Re: [PATCH v6 2/6] i3c: mipi-i3c-hci: Read HC_CONTROL_PIO_MODE only after i3c hci v1.1

From: Jarkko Nikula
Date: Mon Sep 02 2024 - 02:15:45 EST

On 8/29/24 12:17 PM, Shyam Sundar S K wrote:
The HC_CONTROL_PIO_MODE bit was introduced in the HC_CONTROL register
starting from version 1.1. Therefore, checking the HC_CONTROL_PIO_MODE bit
on hardware that adheres to older specification revisions (i.e., versions
earlier than 1.1) is incorrect. To address this, add an additional check
to read the HCI version before attempting to read the HC_CONTROL_PIO_MODE

Signed-off-by: Shyam Sundar S K <Shyam-sundar.S-k@xxxxxxx>
drivers/i3c/master/mipi-i3c-hci/core.c | 9 ++++++---
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Jarkko Nikula <jarkko.nikula@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>