Re: [PATCH 0/2] mm: make copy_to_kernel_nofault() not fault on user addresses
From: Omar Sandoval
Date: Mon Sep 02 2024 - 02:31:18 EST
On Mon, Sep 02, 2024 at 08:19:33AM +0200, Christophe Leroy wrote:
> Le 02/09/2024 à 07:31, Omar Sandoval a écrit :
> > [Vous ne recevez pas souvent de courriers de osandov@xxxxxxxxxxx. Découvrez pourquoi ceci est important à ]
> >
> > From: Omar Sandoval <osandov@xxxxxx>
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I hit a case where copy_to_kernel_nofault() will fault (lol): if the
> > destination address is in userspace and x86 Supervisor Mode Access
> > Prevention is enabled. Patch 2 has the details and the fix. Patch 1
> > renames a helper function so that its use in patch 2 makes more sense.
> > If the rename is too intrusive, I can drop it.
> The name of the function is "copy_to_kernel". If the destination is a user
> address, it is not a copy to kernel but a copy to user and you already have
> the function copy_to_user() for that. copy_to_user() properly handles SMAP.
I'm not trying to copy to user. I am (well, KDB is) trying to copy to an
arbitrary address, and I want it to return an error instead of crashing
if the address is not a valid kernel address. As far as I can tell, that
is the whole point of copy_to_kernel_nofault().