I definitely expect PRI to work outside PASID and SVA cases, so thisThis touches on a detail (at least in Intel's vtd-io spec) that is not
is going in a good direction
100% clear to me. Second paragraph of section "3.4.3 Scalable Mode
Address Translation" reads:
... Scalable-mode context-entries support both requests-without-PASID
and requests-with-PASID. However unlike legacy mode, in scalable-mode,
requests-without-PASID obtain a PASID value from the RID_PASID field of
the scalable-mode context- entry and are processed similarly to
requests-with-PASID.Implementations not supporting RID_PASID capability
(ECAP_REG.RPS is 0b), use a PASID value of 0 to perform address
translation for requests without PASID.
This basically means that a default PASID is used even though the
request is without PASID. Right? Therefore "outside PASID" means with
the default PASID (at least in Intels case). Right?