Re: [PATCH v2] kbuild: pahole-version: improve overall checking and error messages

From: Miguel Ojeda
Date: Tue Sep 03 2024 - 20:15:58 EST

On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 9:49 PM Nicolas Schier <nicolas@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> thanks, no objections.

Thanks for taking a look!

> I'd rather like to have
> output=$(echo "$output" | sed -nE 's/v([0-9]+)\.([0-9][0-9])/\1\2/p')
> here (thus, explicitly check against a two number subversion), so that
> we can detect also versions like 1.100 or 2.1 and bail out.

So I didn't change that here to avoid more changes in the same commit,
but happy to do that if preferred.

However, do we want to make it too strict? i.e. I don't think it is
very unexpected to get v1.100 or v2.1 -- it may not be what current
`pahole` does or ever do, but I am not sure we gain much by being so

(Similarly, for the ^..$ suggestion, it could be that `pahole` decides
to to something like `pahole v1.25`, i.e. `name version`, like other

Either way, I am happy -- I doubt `pahole` changes too much, and if it
does, we can change this too.
