Re: [PATCH v4 2/3] iio: adc: ad7625: add driver

From: Trevor Gamblin
Date: Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12:18:56 EST

On 2024-09-05 3:58 a.m., Nuno Sá wrote:
On Wed, 2024-09-04 at 15:14 -0400, Trevor Gamblin wrote:
Add a driver for the AD762x and AD796x family of ADCs. These are
pin-compatible devices using an LVDS interface for data transfer,
capable of sampling at rates of 6 (AD7625), 10 (AD7626), and 5
(AD7960/AD7961) MSPS, respectively. They also feature multiple voltage
reference options based on the configuration of the EN1/EN0 pins, which
can be set in the devicetree.

Signed-off-by: Trevor Gamblin <tgamblin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Trevor,

It LGTM, just some minor stuff from me...

With that,

Reviewed-by: Nuno Sa <>

 MAINTAINERS              |   1 +
 drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig  |  16 ++
 drivers/iio/adc/Makefile |   1 +
 drivers/iio/adc/ad7625.c | 684


+static int ad7625_set_sampling_freq(struct ad7625_state *st, int freq)
+ u64 target;
+ struct pwm_waveform clk_gate_wf = { }, cnv_wf = { };
+ int ret;
+ target = DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL(NSEC_PER_SEC, freq);
Not seeing any reason why it can't be DIV_ROUND_UP()?
Uwe rightly pointed out (internally) that freq probably shouldn't be signed, so I'll adjust that instead and resubmit.

+ cnv_wf.period_length_ns = clamp(target, 100, 10 * KILO);
+ /*
+ * Use the maximum conversion time t_CNVH from the datasheet as
+ * the duty_cycle for ref_clk, cnv, and clk_gate
+ */
+ cnv_wf.duty_length_ns = st->info->timing_spec->conv_high_ns;
+ ret = pwm_round_waveform_might_sleep(st->cnv_pwm, &cnv_wf);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /*
+ * Set up the burst signal for transferring data. period and
+ * offset should mirror the CNV signal
+ */
+ clk_gate_wf.period_length_ns = cnv_wf.period_length_ns;
+ clk_gate_wf.duty_length_ns = DIV_ROUND_UP_ULL((u64)NSEC_PER_SEC *
+ st->info->chan_spec.scan_type.realbits,
+ st->ref_clk_rate_hz);
+ /* max t_MSB from datasheet */
+ clk_gate_wf.duty_offset_ns = st->info->timing_spec->conv_msb_ns;
+ ret = pwm_round_waveform_might_sleep(st->clk_gate_pwm, &clk_gate_wf);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ st->cnv_wf = cnv_wf;
+ st->clk_gate_wf = clk_gate_wf;
+ /* TODO: Add a rounding API for PWMs that can simplify this */
+ target = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST_ULL(st->ref_clk_rate_hz, freq);

+ st->sampling_freq_hz = DIV_ROUND_CLOSEST_ULL(st->ref_clk_rate_hz,
+      target);
+ return 0;


+static int ad7625_buffer_preenable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev)
+ struct ad7625_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ int ret;
+ ret = pwm_set_waveform_might_sleep(st->cnv_pwm, &st->cnv_wf, false);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ ret = pwm_set_waveform_might_sleep(st->clk_gate_pwm,
+    &st->clk_gate_wf, false);
+ if (ret) {
+ /* Disable cnv PWM if clk_gate setup failed */
+ pwm_disable(st->cnv_pwm);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int ad7625_buffer_postdisable(struct iio_dev *indio_dev)
+ struct ad7625_state *st = iio_priv(indio_dev);
+ pwm_disable(st->cnv_pwm);
+ pwm_disable(st->clk_gate_pwm);
+ return 0;
Might not matter but it is a good practise to disable things in the reverse

Good point, I'll change that too.


- Nuno Sá