Re: [PATCH v2 1/2] clk: provide devm_clk_get_optional_enabled_with_rate()
From: Stephen Boyd
Date: Thu Sep 05 2024 - 17:42:57 EST
Quoting Bartosz Golaszewski (2024-08-05 01:57:31)
> From: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@xxxxxxxxxx>
> There are clock users in the kernel that can't use
> devm_clk_get_optional_enabled() as they need to set rate after getting
> the clock and before enabling it. Provide a managed helper that wraps
> these operations in the correct order.
> Signed-off-by: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
Applied to clk-next