Re: [PATCH 1/1] ptrace: Get tracer PID without reliance on the proc FS

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Fri Sep 06 2024 - 15:09:34 EST

On Fri, 6 Sept 2024 at 04:24, Oleg Nesterov <oleg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Add cc's. Perhaps someone else can ack/nack the intent...
> This (trivial) patch is obviously buggy, but fixable. I won't argue
> if it can help userspace.

I think the "what's the point for user space" is the much more important thing.

Honestly, acting differently when traced sounds like a truly
fundamentally HORRIBLE model for anything at all - much less debugging
- and I think it should not be helped in any way unless you have some
really really strong arguments for it.

Can you figure it out as-is? Sure. But that's still not a reason to
make bad behavior _easier_.
