Re: [RFCv2 0/9] UEFI emulator for kexec

From: Jarkko Sakkinen
Date: Sat Sep 07 2024 - 07:27:31 EST

On Fri Sep 6, 2024 at 1:54 PM EEST, Philipp Rudo wrote:
> Let me throw an other wild idea in the ring. Instead of implementing
> a EFI runtime we could also include a eBPF version of the stub into the
> images. kexec could then extract the eBPF program and let it run just
> like any other eBPF program with all the pros (and cons) that come with
> it. That won't be as generic as the EFI runtime, e.g. you couldn't
> simply kexec any OS installer. On the other hand it would make it
> easier to port UKIs et al. to non-EFI systems. What do you think?

BPF would have some guarantees that are favorable such as programs
always end, even faulty ones. It always has implicit "ExitBootServices".

Just a remark.

BR, Jarkko