Re: [PATCH next V2] PCI: brmstb: Fix type mismatch for num_inbound_wins in brcm_pcie_get_inbound_wins

From: Krzysztof Wilczyński
Date: Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12:56:27 EST


> > Change num_inbound_wins from u8 to int to correctly handle
> > potential negative error codes returned by brcm_pcie_get_inbound_wins().
> > The u8 type was inappropriate for capturing the function's return value,
> > which can include error codes.
> I squashed with the current code on the controller/brcmstb branch, see:
> -
> And credited you via the Co-developed-by tag such that you get credit for
> fixing this issue. Thank you, by the way.
> There is no Fixes: tag as this code is not yet merged into the mainline.

For the record, I would prefer if we went with Florian's first
recommendation per the following message:


To clearly separate errors returned from the value being updated.

Albeit, this is fine too, especially as Jim expressed no opinion either
way regarding his preference.
