Re: [PATCH v6 15/26] rust: alloc: implement `collect` for `IntoIter`

From: Benno Lossin
Date: Wed Sep 11 2024 - 04:55:49 EST

On 11.09.24 02:22, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 08:12:24PM +0000, Benno Lossin wrote:
>> On 16.08.24 02:10, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
>>> + /// Same as `Iterator::collect` but specialized for `Vec`'s `IntoIter`.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// Currently, we can't implement `FromIterator`. There are a couple of issues with this trait
>>> + /// in the kernel, namely:
>>> + ///
>>> + /// - Rust's specialization feature is unstable. This prevents us to optimze for the special
>>> + /// case where `I::IntoIter` equals `Vec`'s `IntoIter` type.
>>> + /// - We also can't use `I::IntoIter`'s type ID either to work around this, since `FromIterator`
>>> + /// doesn't require this type to be `'static`.
>>> + /// - `FromIterator::from_iter` does return `Self` instead of `Result<Self, AllocError>`, hence
>>> + /// we can't properly handle allocation failures.
>>> + /// - Neither `Iterator::collect` nor `FromIterator::from_iter` can handle additional allocation
>>> + /// flags.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// Instead, provide `IntoIter::collect`, such that we can at least convert a `IntoIter` into a
>>> + /// `Vec` again.
>> I think it's great that you include this in the code, but I don't think
>> that it should be visible in the documentation,
> Why not? I think this information is valuable for users of this API.

If you want to keep it, then I don't mind, but I would still move it
underneath `Examples` and add a section header `# Implementation
Details` or similar.


>> can you move it under
>> the `Examples` section and turn it into normal comments?
>>> + ///
>>> + /// Note that `IntoIter::collect` doesn't require `Flags`, since it re-uses the existing backing
>>> + /// buffer. However, this backing buffer may be shrunk to the actual count of elements.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// # Examples
>>> + ///
>>> + /// ```
>>> + /// let v = kernel::kvec![1, 2, 3]?;
>>> + /// let mut it = v.into_iter();
>>> + ///
>>> + /// assert_eq!(, Some(1));
>>> + ///
>>> + /// let v = it.collect(GFP_KERNEL);
>>> + /// assert_eq!(v, [2, 3]);
>>> + ///
>>> + /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
>>> + /// ```
>>> + pub fn collect(self, flags: Flags) -> Vec<T, A> {