[PATCH 1/3] rust: add untrusted data abstraction

From: Benno Lossin
Date: Fri Sep 13 2024 - 07:27:33 EST

When reading data from userspace, hardware or other external untrusted
sources, the data must be validated before it is used for logic within
the kernel. This abstraction provides a generic newtype wrapper that
prevents direct access to the inner type. It does allow access through
the `untrusted()` method, but that should be a telltale sign to
reviewers that untrusted data is being used at that point.

Any API that reads data from an untrusted source should return
`Untrusted<T>` where `T` is the type of the underlying untrusted data.
This generic allows other abstractions to return their custom type
wrapped by `Untrusted`, signaling to the caller that the data must be
validated before use. This allows those abstractions to be used both in
a trusted and untrusted manner, increasing their generality.
Additionally, using the arbitrary self types feature, APIs can be
designed to explicitly read untrusted data:

impl MyCustomDataSource {
pub fn read(self: &Untrusted<Self>) -> &Untrusted<[u8]>;

To validate data, the `Validator` trait is introduced, readers of
untrusted data should implement it for their type and move all of their
validation and parsing logic into its `validate` function. That way
reviewers and later contributors have a central location to consult for
data validation.

Signed-off-by: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/types.rs | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 247 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/types.rs b/rust/kernel/types.rs
index 9e7ca066355c..20ef04b1b417 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/types.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/types.rs
@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
marker::{PhantomData, PhantomPinned},
mem::{ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit},
- ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
+ ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Index},
+ slice::SliceIndex,

/// Used to transfer ownership to and from foreign (non-Rust) languages.
@@ -532,3 +533,248 @@ unsafe impl AsBytes for str {}
// does not have any uninitialized portions either.
unsafe impl<T: AsBytes> AsBytes for [T] {}
unsafe impl<T: AsBytes, const N: usize> AsBytes for [T; N] {}
+/// Untrusted data of type `T`.
+/// When reading data from userspace, hardware or other external untrusted sources, the data must
+/// be validated before it is used for logic within the kernel. To do so, the [`validate()`]
+/// function exists and uses the [`Validator`] trait. For raw bytes validation there also is the
+/// [`validate_bytes()`] function.
+/// [`validate()`]: Self::validate
+/// [`validate_bytes()`]: Self::validate_bytes
+pub struct Untrusted<T: ?Sized>(T);
+impl<T: ?Sized> Untrusted<T> {
+ /// Marks the given value as untrusted.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # mod bindings { unsafe fn read_foo_info() -> [u8; 4] { todo!() } };
+ /// fn read_foo_info() -> Untrusted<[u8; 4]> {
+ /// // SAFETY: just an FFI call without preconditions.
+ /// Untrusted::new_untrusted(unsafe { bindings::read_foo_info() })
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_untrusted(value: T) -> Self
+ where
+ T: Sized,
+ {
+ Self(value)
+ }
+ /// Marks the value behind the reference as untrusted.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// In this imaginary example there exists the `foo_hardware` struct on the C side, as well as
+ /// a `foo_hardware_read` function that reads some data directly from the hardware.
+ /// ```
+ /// # mod bindings { struct foo_hardware; unsafe fn foo_hardware_read(_foo: *mut Foo, _len: &mut usize) -> *mut u8 { todo!() } };
+ /// struct Foo(Opaque<bindings::foo_hardware>);
+ ///
+ /// impl Foo {
+ /// pub fn read(&mut self, mut len: usize) -> Result<&Untrusted<[u8]>> {
+ /// // SAFETY: just an FFI call without preconditions.
+ /// let data: *mut u8 = unsafe { bindings::foo_hardware_read(self.0.get(), &mut len) };
+ /// let data = error::from_err_ptr(data)?;
+ /// let data = ptr::slice_from_raw_parts(data, len);
+ /// // SAFETY: `data` returned by `foo_hardware_read` is valid for reads as long as the
+ /// // `foo_hardware` object exists. That function updated the
+ /// let data = unsafe { &*data };
+ /// Ok(Untrusted::new_untrusted_ref(data))
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new_untrusted_ref<'a>(value: &'a T) -> &'a Self {
+ let ptr: *const T = value;
+ // CAST: `Self` is `repr(transparent)` and contains a `T`.
+ let ptr = ptr as *const Self;
+ // SAFETY: `ptr` came from a shared reference valid for `'a`.
+ unsafe { &*ptr }
+ }
+ /// Gives direct access to the underlying untrusted data.
+ ///
+ /// Be careful when accessing the data, as it is untrusted and still needs to be verified! To
+ /// do so use [`validate()`].
+ ///
+ /// [`validate()`]: Self::validate
+ pub fn untrusted(&self) -> &T {
+ &self.0
+ }
+ /// Gives direct access to the underlying untrusted data.
+ ///
+ /// Be careful when accessing the data, as it is untrusted and still needs to be verified! To
+ /// do so use [`validate()`].
+ ///
+ /// [`validate()`]: Self::validate
+ pub fn untrusted_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
+ &mut self.0
+ }
+ /// Unwraps the data and removes the untrusted marking.
+ ///
+ /// Be careful when accessing the data, as it is untrusted and still needs to be verified! To
+ /// do so use [`validate()`].
+ ///
+ /// [`validate()`]: Self::validate
+ pub fn into_inner_untrusted(self) -> T
+ where
+ T: Sized,
+ {
+ self.0
+ }
+ /// Dereferences the underlying untrusted data.
+ ///
+ /// Often, untrusted data is not directly exposed as bytes, but rather as a reader that can
+ /// give you access to raw bytes. When such a type implements [`Deref`], then this function
+ /// allows you to get access to the underlying data.
+ pub fn deref(&self) -> &Untrusted<<T as Deref>::Target>
+ where
+ T: Deref,
+ {
+ Untrusted::new_untrusted_ref(self.0.deref())
+ }
+ /// Validates and parses the untrusted data.
+ ///
+ /// See the [`Validator`] trait on how to implement it.
+ pub fn validate<V: Validator<Input = T>>(&self) -> Result<V::Output, V::Err> {
+ V::validate(self)
+ }
+impl Untrusted<[u8]> {
+ /// Validate the given bytes directly.
+ ///
+ /// This is a convenience method to not have to implement the [`Validator`] trait to be able to
+ /// just parse some bytes. If the bytes that you are validating have some structure and/or you
+ /// will parse it into a `struct` or other rust type, then it is very much recommended to use
+ /// the [`Validator`] trait and the [`validate()`] function instead.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # fn get_untrusted_data() -> &'static Untrusted<[u8]> { &[0; 8] }
+ ///
+ /// let data: &Untrusted<[u8]> = get_untrusted_data();
+ /// let data: Result<&[u8], ()> = data.validate_bytes::<()>(|untrusted| {
+ /// if untrusted.len() != 2 {
+ /// return Err(());
+ /// }
+ /// if untrusted[0] & 0xf0 != 0 {
+ /// return Err(());
+ /// }
+ /// if untrusted[1] >= 100 {
+ /// return Err(());
+ /// }
+ /// Ok(())
+ /// });
+ /// match data {
+ /// Ok(data) => pr_info!("successfully validated the data: {data}"),
+ /// Err(()) => pr_info!("read faulty data from hardware!"),
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`validate()`]: Self::validate
+ pub fn validate_bytes<E>(
+ &self,
+ validator: impl FnOnce(&[u8]) -> Result<(), E>,
+ ) -> Result<&[u8], E> {
+ let raw_data = self.untrusted();
+ validator(raw_data).map(|()| raw_data)
+ }
+impl<T, I> Index<I> for Untrusted<[T]>
+ I: SliceIndex<[T]>,
+ type Output = Untrusted<I::Output>;
+ fn index(&self, index: I) -> &Self::Output {
+ Untrusted::new_untrusted_ref(self.0.index(index))
+ }
+impl<T> Untrusted<[T]> {
+ /// Gets the length of the underlying untrusted slice.
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+ self.0.len()
+ }
+/// Validates untrusted data.
+/// # Examples
+/// ## Using an API returning untrusted data
+/// Create the type of the data that you want to parse:
+/// ```
+/// pub struct FooData {
+/// data: [u8; 4],
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Then implement this trait:
+/// ```
+/// use kernel::types::{Untrusted, Validator};
+/// # pub struct FooData {
+/// # data: [u8; 4],
+/// # }
+/// impl Validator for FooData {
+/// type Input = [u8];
+/// type Output = FooData;
+/// type Err = Error;
+/// fn validate(untrusted: &Untrusted<Self::Input>) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Err> {
+/// let untrusted = untrusted.untrusted();
+/// let untrusted = <[u8; 4]>::try_from(untrusted);
+/// for byte in &untrusted {
+/// if byte & 0xf0 != 0 {
+/// return Err(());
+/// }
+/// }
+/// Ok(FooData { data: untrusted })
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// And then use the API that returns untrusted data:
+/// ```ignore
+/// let result = get_untrusted_data().validate::<FooData>();
+/// ```
+/// ## Creating an API returning untrusted data
+/// In your API instead of just returning the untrusted data, wrap it in [`Untrusted<T>`]:
+/// ```
+/// pub fn get_untrusted_data(&self) -> &Untrusted<[u8]> {
+/// todo!()
+/// }
+/// ```
+pub trait Validator {
+ /// Type of the input data that is untrusted.
+ type Input: ?Sized;
+ /// Type of the validated data.
+ type Output;
+ /// Validation error.
+ type Err;
+ /// Validate the given untrusted data and parse it into the output type.
+ ///
+ /// When implementing this function, you can use [`Untrusted::untrusted()`] to get access to
+ /// the raw untrusted data.
+ fn validate(untrusted: &Untrusted<Self::Input>) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Err>;