[PATCH v1] dm vdo indexer: Convert comma to semicolon

From: Shen Lichuan
Date: Sat Sep 14 2024 - 02:38:46 EST

To ensure code clarity and prevent potential errors, it's advisable
to employ the ';' as a statement separator, except when ',' are
intentionally used for specific purposes.

Signed-off-by: Shen Lichuan <shenlichuan@xxxxxxxx>
drivers/md/dm-vdo/indexer/chapter-index.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/md/dm-vdo/indexer/chapter-index.c b/drivers/md/dm-vdo/indexer/chapter-index.c
index 7e32a25d3f2f..fb1db41c794b 100644
--- a/drivers/md/dm-vdo/indexer/chapter-index.c
+++ b/drivers/md/dm-vdo/indexer/chapter-index.c
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ int uds_pack_open_chapter_index_page(struct open_chapter_index *chapter_index,
if (list_number < 0)

- next_list = first_list + list_number--,
+ next_list = first_list + list_number--;
result = uds_start_delta_index_search(delta_index, next_list, 0,
if (result != UDS_SUCCESS)