Re: [PATCH 4/7] ARM: dts: amlogic: meson6: delete undocumented nodes

From: Neil Armstrong
Date: Mon Sep 16 2024 - 03:22:44 EST

On 16/09/2024 07:57, Christian Hewitt wrote:
On 15 Sep 2024, at 11:12 PM, Martin Blumenstingl <martin.blumenstingl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Neil,

On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 12:19 PM Neil Armstrong
<neil.armstrong@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Delete nodes in meson6.dtsi that are clearly undocumented & unused for meson6,
fixing the following check errors:
audio-controller@5400: compatible:0: 'amlogic,aiu' is not one of ['amlogic,aiu-gxbb', 'amlogic,aiu-gxl', 'amlogic,aiu-meson8', 'amlogic,aiu-meson8b']
from schema $id:,aiu.yaml#
audio-controller@5400: compatible: ['amlogic,aiu'] is too short
from schema $id:,aiu.yaml#
/soc/bus@c1100000/pwm@8550: failed to match any schema with compatible: ['amlogic,meson-pwm']
/soc/bus@c1100000/pwm@8650: failed to match any schema with compatible: ['amlogic,meson-pwm']
phy@8800: compatible: 'oneOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
['amlogic,meson-mx-usb2-phy'] is too short
'amlogic,meson-mx-usb2-phy' is not one of ['amlogic,meson8-usb2-phy', 'amlogic,meson8b-usb2-phy', 'amlogic,meson8m2-usb2-phy']
'amlogic,meson-gxbb-usb2-phy' was expected
from schema $id:,meson8b-usb2-phy.yaml#
phy@8820: compatible: 'oneOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed:
['amlogic,meson-mx-usb2-phy'] is too short
'amlogic,meson-mx-usb2-phy' is not one of ['amlogic,meson8-usb2-phy', 'amlogic,meson8b-usb2-phy', 'amlogic,meson8m2-usb2-phy']
'amlogic,meson-gxbb-usb2-phy' was expected
from schema $id:,meson8b-usb2-phy.yaml#
/soc/bus@c1100000/mmc@8c20: failed to match any schema with compatible: ['amlogic,meson-mx-sdio']
mmc@8e00: compatible:0: 'amlogic,meson-mx-sdhc' is not one of ['amlogic,meson8-sdhc', 'amlogic,meson8b-sdhc', 'amlogic,meson8m2-sdhc']
from schema $id:,meson-mx-sdhc.yaml#
mmc@8e00: compatible: ['amlogic,meson-mx-sdhc'] is too short
from schema $id:,meson-mx-sdhc.yaml#
remoteproc@1c: compatible:0: 'amlogic,meson-mx-ao-arc' is not one of ['amlogic,meson8-ao-arc', 'amlogic,meson8b-ao-arc']
from schema $id:,meson-mx-ao-arc.yaml#
remoteproc@1c: compatible: ['amlogic,meson-mx-ao-arc'] is too short
from schema $id:,meson-mx-ao-arc.yaml#

Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <neil.armstrong@xxxxxxxxxx>
Generally I'm fine with this. I'm wondering if we should go one step
further by decommissioning Meson6 support?
To be specific here, I'm thinking of removing MACH_MESON6 from
arch/arm/mach-meson/Kconfig and deleting meson6{.dtsi,-atv1200.dts}

I don't have any boards with Meson6 SoC, there's no upstream GPIO,
pinctrl, clock, MMC, <you name it> driver for that SoC either.
So all we have upstream is the ability to boot to initramfs and use
serial console(s).
If someone is interested in Meson6 support they should bring it back
along with a few more patches for upstream support of further

I think that’s a sensible move. LibreELEC was one of the few distros
that supported Meson6 hardware in the past (via the vendor kernel)
but we ended support in 2018. Meson6 devices are mostly/all? cheap
Android boxes dating from 2011-2013 and these have either been been
discarded by users through upgrades or the boxes died long ago. There
is still community interest in supporting Meson8 boards (the 8x core
devices are used for retro-gaming) but not the earlier Meson6 ones.

Yeah let's remove meson6 dtsi for v6.13, I'll respin this serie but with
the meson6 removal and some more dts fixes.

