[PATCH v6 3/3] rust: sync: Add SpinLockIrq

From: Lyude Paul
Date: Mon Sep 16 2024 - 17:33:10 EST

A variant of SpinLock that is expected to be used in noirq contexts, and
thus requires that the user provide an kernel::irq::IrqDisabled to prove
they are in such a context upon lock acquisition. This is the rust
equivalent of spin_lock_irqsave()/spin_lock_irqrestore().

Signed-off-by: Lyude Paul <lyude@xxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Daniel Almeida <daniel.almeida@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reviewed-by: Gary Guo <gary@xxxxxxxxxxx>


* s/IrqSpinLock/SpinLockIrq/
* Implement `lock::Backend` now that we have `Context`
* Add missing periods
* Make sure rustdoc examples compile correctly
* Add documentation suggestions

rust/kernel/sync.rs | 2 +-
rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/sync.rs b/rust/kernel/sync.rs
index 0ab20975a3b5d..b028ee325f2a6 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/sync.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/sync.rs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
pub use arc::{Arc, ArcBorrow, UniqueArc};
pub use condvar::{new_condvar, CondVar, CondVarTimeoutResult};
pub use lock::mutex::{new_mutex, Mutex};
-pub use lock::spinlock::{new_spinlock, SpinLock};
+pub use lock::spinlock::{new_spinlock, new_spinlock_irq, SpinLock, SpinLockIrq};
pub use locked_by::LockedBy;

/// Represents a lockdep class. It's a wrapper around C's `lock_class_key`.
diff --git a/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs b/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs
index 97d85a5576615..47c71d779062a 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/sync/lock/spinlock.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
//! A kernel spinlock.
//! This module allows Rust code to use the kernel's `spinlock_t`.
+use kernel::irq::*;

/// Creates a [`SpinLock`] initialiser with the given name and a newly-created lock class.
@@ -116,3 +117,106 @@ unsafe fn unlock(ptr: *mut Self::State, _guard_state: &Self::GuardState) {
unsafe { bindings::spin_unlock(ptr) }
+/// Creates a [`SpinLockIrq`] initialiser with the given name and a newly-created lock class.
+/// It uses the name if one is given, otherwise it generates one based on the file name and line
+/// number.
+macro_rules! new_spinlock_irq {
+ ($inner:expr $(, $name:literal)? $(,)?) => {
+ $crate::sync::SpinLockIrq::new(
+ $inner, $crate::optional_name!($($name)?), $crate::static_lock_class!())
+ };
+pub use new_spinlock_irq;
+/// A spinlock that may be acquired when interrupts are disabled.
+/// A version of [`SpinLock`] that can only be used in contexts where interrupts for the local CPU
+/// are disabled. It requires that the user acquiring the lock provide proof that interrupts are
+/// disabled through [`IrqDisabled`].
+/// For more info, see [`SpinLock`].
+/// # Examples
+/// The following example shows how to declare, allocate initialise and access a struct (`Example`)
+/// that contains an inner struct (`Inner`) that is protected by a spinlock.
+/// ```
+/// use kernel::{
+/// sync::{new_spinlock_irq, SpinLockIrq},
+/// irq::{with_irqs_disabled, IrqDisabled}
+/// };
+/// struct Inner {
+/// a: u32,
+/// b: u32,
+/// }
+/// #[pin_data]
+/// struct Example {
+/// c: u32,
+/// #[pin]
+/// d: SpinLockIrq<Inner>,
+/// }
+/// impl Example {
+/// fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
+/// pin_init!(Self {
+/// c: 10,
+/// d <- new_spinlock_irq!(Inner { a: 20, b: 30 }),
+/// })
+/// }
+/// }
+/// // Accessing an `Example` from a function that can only be called in no-irq contexts
+/// fn noirq_work(e: &Example, irq: IrqDisabled<'_>) {
+/// assert_eq!(e.c, 10);
+/// assert_eq!(e.d.lock_with(irq).a, 20);
+/// }
+/// // Allocate a boxed `Example`
+/// let e = Box::pin_init(Example::new(), GFP_KERNEL)?;
+/// // Accessing an `Example` from a context where IRQs may not be disabled already.
+/// let b = with_irqs_disabled(|irq| {
+/// noirq_work(&e, irq);
+/// e.d.lock_with(irq).b
+/// });
+/// assert_eq!(b, 30);
+/// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+/// ```
+pub type SpinLockIrq<T> = super::Lock<T, SpinLockIrqBackend>;
+/// A kernel `spinlock_t` lock backend that is acquired in no-irq contexts.
+pub struct SpinLockIrqBackend;
+unsafe impl super::Backend for SpinLockIrqBackend {
+ type State = bindings::spinlock_t;
+ type GuardState = ();
+ type Context<'a> = IrqDisabled<'a>;
+ unsafe fn init(
+ ptr: *mut Self::State,
+ name: *const core::ffi::c_char,
+ key: *mut bindings::lock_class_key,
+ ) {
+ // SAFETY: The safety requirements ensure that `ptr` is valid for writes, and `name` and
+ // `key` are valid for read indefinitely.
+ unsafe { bindings::__spin_lock_init(ptr, name, key) }
+ }
+ unsafe fn lock(ptr: *mut Self::State) -> Self::GuardState {
+ // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function ensure that `ptr` points to valid
+ // memory, and that it has been initialised before.
+ unsafe { bindings::spin_lock(ptr) }
+ }
+ unsafe fn unlock(ptr: *mut Self::State, _guard_state: &Self::GuardState) {
+ // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function ensure that `ptr` is valid and that the
+ // caller is the owner of the spinlock.
+ unsafe { bindings::spin_unlock(ptr) }
+ }