Re: [PATCH] list: Remove duplicated and unused macro list_for_each_reverse

From: Greg Kroah-Hartman
Date: Tue Sep 17 2024 - 03:49:38 EST

On Tue, Sep 17, 2024 at 03:28:18PM +0800, Zijun Hu wrote:
> From: Zijun Hu <quic_zijuhu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Remove macro list_for_each_reverse due to below reasons:
> - it is same as list_for_each_prev.
> - it is not used by current kernel tree.
> Fixes: 8bf0cdfac7f8 ("<linux/list.h>: Introduce the list_for_each_reverse() method")

Why is this a "Fix:"?

> Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Why is this for stable? What does this fix? Just removing code that no
one uses doesn't need to be backported, it's just dead, delete it.


greg k-h