Re: [PATCH] rust: Adds examples for the `Either` type

From: Dirk Behme
Date: Tue Sep 17 2024 - 04:36:36 EST

On 17.09.2024 01:35, Nell Shamrell-Harrington wrote:
Adds examples for the `Either` type

You might want to check

"Describe your changes in imperative mood, e.g. “make xyzzy do frotz” instead of “[This patch] makes xyzzy do frotz” or “[I] changed xyzzy to do frotz”, as if you are giving orders to the codebase to change its behaviour."

For example:

[PATCH] rust: types: Add examples for the `Either` type

Add examples for the `Either` types.

Suggested-by: Miguel Ojeda <ojeda@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Nell Shamrell-Harrington <nells@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
rust/kernel/ | 6 ++++++
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)

diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
index 9e7ca066355c..f22f6e289198 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/
+++ b/rust/kernel/
@@ -461,6 +461,12 @@ fn drop(&mut self) {
/// A sum type that always holds either a value of type `L` or `R`.

It looks to me that the default is to add

/// # Examples

followed by some verbose explanation before the test code below.

+/// ```
+/// use kernel::types::Either;
+/// let left_value: Either<i32, &str> = Either::Left(7);
+/// let right_value: Either<i32, &str> = Either::Right("right value");
+/// ```

I ran that on the the target and got:

# rust_doctest_kernel_types_rs_3.location: rust/kernel/
ok 107 rust_doctest_kernel_types_rs_3


Tested-by: Dirk Behme <dirk.behme@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

