Re: [REGRESSION] Re: [PATCH] Revert "vmgenid: emit uevent when VMGENID updates"

From: Jason A. Donenfeld
Date: Tue Sep 17 2024 - 14:05:19 EST

On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 6:37 PM Alexander Graf <graf@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Friendly ping again. We would really like to have a constructive
> technical conversation and collaboration on how to make forward progress
> with VM clone notifications for user space applications that hold unique
> data and hence need to learn about VM clone events, outside of any
> randomness semantics.

With the other work now mostly done, sure, let's pick this up again. I
think next on the list was getting the virtio rng device delivering VM
clone events and unique UUIDs. There was a spec change posted a while
back and a patch for the kernel. Do you want to refresh those? I
thought that was a promising direction -- and the one we all decided
together in person as the most viable, race-free way, etc --
especially because it would make ways of exposing those IDs low cost.
And, importantly for you, I think that might *also* cover the need
that you have here, so we'll kill several birds with one stone.
