Re: [PATCH 2/4] rtc: s32g: add NXP S32G2/S32G3 SoC support

From: Ciprian Marian Costea
Date: Wed Sep 18 2024 - 03:52:38 EST

On 9/17/2024 8:40 PM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 11/09/2024 09:00, Ciprian Costea wrote:
From: Ciprian Marian Costea <ciprianmarian.costea@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Add a RTC driver for NXP S32G2/S32G3 SoCs.

The RTC module is used to enable Suspend to RAM (STR) support
on NXP S32G2/S32G3 SoC based boards.
RTC tracks clock time during system suspend.


+static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(rtc_pm_ops,
+ rtc_suspend, rtc_resume);
+static struct platform_driver rtc_driver = {
+ .driver = {
+ .name = "s32g-rtc",
+ .pm = &rtc_pm_ops,
+ .of_match_table = of_match_ptr(rtc_dt_ids),

Drop of_match_ptr, you have here warning.

+ },
+ .probe = rtc_probe,
+ .remove_new = rtc_remove,
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("NXP RTC driver for S32G2/S32G3");

Best regards,

Hello Krzysztof,

Thank you for your review.
I will address your findings in V2.

Best Regards,