Re: [PATCH 4/4] MAINTAINERS: add MAINTAINER for S32G2/S32G3 RTC driver

From: Ciprian Marian Costea
Date: Wed Sep 18 2024 - 04:18:46 EST

On 9/17/2024 8:37 PM, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 11/09/2024 09:00, Ciprian Costea wrote:
From: Ciprian Marian Costea <ciprianmarian.costea@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Now that a RTC driver was added for S32G2/S32G3 SoC, update
the mainainters list for it.

Why? You don't do that alone. You add yourself for entire platform!

Signed-off-by: Ciprian Marian Costea <ciprianmarian.costea@xxxxxxxxxxx>
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

index f328373463b0..a6d91101ec43 100644
@@ -2686,11 +2686,13 @@ ARM/NXP S32G ARCHITECTURE
R: Chester Lin <chester62515@xxxxxxxxx>
R: Matthias Brugger <mbrugger@xxxxxxxx>
R: Ghennadi Procopciuc <ghennadi.procopciuc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

If you are touching someone's maintainer entry, at least you could do is
to CC them.

And how many reviewers do you want to have in that platform? Are all
entries real or some are stale?

Best regards,

Hello Krzysztof,

My intention was to add myself as a reviewer for the S32G Architecture and not as a maintainer.

I plan to send more patches targeting this architecture and I would like to review any other changes to them in the future.

On the other hand I understand your point, already having a list of reviewers. If its unacceptable, I can only add myself as a maintainer for the S32G RTC driver, in V2 of this patchset.

Best Regards,