Re: [PATCH 1/2] arm: mm: Fix kernel memory mapping for xip kernels

From: Harith George
Date: Wed Sep 18 2024 - 04:51:23 EST

Hi Linus,

Fixes: a91da5457085 ("ARM: 9089/1: Define kernel physical section start and end")
Signed-off-by: Harith George <harith.g@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@xxxxxxxxxx>
(also for patch 2/2)
Thanks a lot for the review. I somehow missed this mail and saw it only today. I have uploaded to Russell's patch tracker today.

Warm Regards,

Sorry for breaking XIP :(

Can you put these patches into Russell's patch tracker so he
can track it?

Linus Walleij