Re: [RFC PATCH net v1] net: phy: aquantia: Set phy speed to 2.5gbps for AQR115c
From: Abhishek Chauhan (ABC)
Date: Wed Sep 18 2024 - 17:27:52 EST
On 9/17/2024 1:57 PM, Abhishek Chauhan (ABC) wrote:
> On 9/17/2024 2:31 AM, Russell King (Oracle) wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 06:35:17PM +0200, Andrew Lunn wrote:
>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 09:12:13AM -0700, Abhishek Chauhan (ABC) wrote:
>>>> On 9/13/2024 1:01 AM, Maxime Chevallier wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Thu, 12 Sep 2024 18:16:35 -0700
>>>>> Abhishek Chauhan <quic_abchauha@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> Recently we observed that aquantia AQR115c always comes up in
>>>>>> 100Mbps mode. AQR115c aquantia chip supports max speed up to
>>>>>> 2.5Gbps. Today the AQR115c configuration is done through
>>>>>> aqr113c_config_init which internally calls aqr107_config_init.
>>>>>> aqr113c and aqr107 are both capable of 10Gbps. Whereas AQR115c
>>>>>> supprts max speed of 2.5Gbps only.
>>>>>> Fixes: 0ebc581f8a4b ("net: phy: aquantia: add support for aqr115c")
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Abhishek Chauhan <quic_abchauha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> drivers/net/phy/aquantia/aquantia_main.c | 7 +++++++
>>>>>> 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+)
>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/net/phy/aquantia/aquantia_main.c b/drivers/net/phy/aquantia/aquantia_main.c
>>>>>> index e982e9ce44a5..9afc041dbb64 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/net/phy/aquantia/aquantia_main.c
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/net/phy/aquantia/aquantia_main.c
>>>>>> @@ -499,6 +499,12 @@ static int aqr107_config_init(struct phy_device *phydev)
>>>>>> if (!ret)
>>>>>> aqr107_chip_info(phydev);
>>>>>> + /* AQR115c supports speed up to 2.5Gbps */
>>>>>> + if (phydev->interface == PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_2500BASEX) {
>>>>>> + phy_set_max_speed(phydev, SPEED_2500);
>>>>>> + phydev->autoneg = AUTONEG_ENABLE;
>>>>>> + }
>>>>>> +
>>>>> If I get your commit log right, the code above will also apply for
>>>>> ASQR107, AQR113 and so on, don't you risk breaking these PHYs if they
>>>>> are in 2500BASEX mode at boot?
>>>> I was thinking of the same. That this might break something here for other Phy chip.
>>>> As every phy shares the same config init. Hence the reason for RFC.
>>>>> Besides that, if the PHY switches between SGMII and 2500BASEX
>>>>> dynamically depending on the link speed, it could be that it's
>>>>> configured by default in SGMII, hence this check will be missed.
>>>> I think the better way is to have AQR115c its own config_init which sets
>>>> the max speed to 2.5Gbps and then call aqr113c_config_init .
>>> phy_set_max_speed(phydev, SPEED_2500) is something a MAC does, not a
>>> PHY. It is a way for the MAC to say is supports less than the PHY. I
>>> would say the current aqcs109_config_init() is doing this wrong.
>> Agreed on two points:
>> 1) phy_set_max_speed() is documented as a function that the MAC will
>> call.
>> 2) calling phy_set_max_speed() in .config_init() is way too late for
>> phylink. .config_init() is called from phy_init_hw(), which happens
>> after the PHY has been attached. However, phylink needs to know what
>> the PHY supports _before_ that, especially for any PHY that is on a
>> SFP, so it can determine what interface to use for the PHY.
>> So, as Andrew says, the current aqcs109_config_init(), and it seems
>> aqr111_config_init() are both broken.
>> The PHY driver needs to indicate to phylib what is supported by the
>> PHY no later than the .get_features() method.
> Noted!. Makes sense. thanks for your review, Russell.
> We are in the process of figuring out what the phy chip is reporting as
> its features. Once done i will raise a clean patch for upstream review.
Russell and Andrew
we added prints and understood what the phy is reporting as part of the
[ 12.041576] MDIO_STAT2: 0xb301
[ 12.050722] MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE: 0x40fc
>From the PMA extensible register we see that the phy is reporting that it supports
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_10GBT 0x0004 /* 10GBASE-T ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_10GBKX4 0x0008 /* 10GBASE-KX4 ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_10GBKR 0x0010 /* 10GBASE-KR ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_1000BT 0x0020 /* 1000BASE-T ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_1000BKX 0x0040 /* 1000BASE-KX ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_100BTX 0x0080 /* 100BASE-TX ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_EXTABLE_NBT 0x4000 /* 2.5/5GBASE-T ability */
[ 12.060265] MDIO_PMA_NG_EXTABLE: 0x3
/* 2.5G/5G Extended abilities register. */
#define MDIO_PMA_NG_EXTABLE_2_5GBT 0x0001 /* 2.5GBASET ability */
#define MDIO_PMA_NG_EXTABLE_5GBT 0x0002 /* 5GBASET ability */
I feel that the phy here is incorrectly reporting all these abilities as
AQR115c supports speeds only upto 2.5Gbps
AQR115C / AQR115 Single port, 2.5Gbps / 1Gbps / 100Mbps / 10Mbps 7 x 7 mm / 7 x 11 mm
I feel like get_features for AQR115c is reporting wrong modes and hence the
link is coming up and is negotiated at 100Mbps. (Misbehavior from AQR115c)
>From the MAC perspective we have ensure our max capabilities are 2.5 Gbps
by setting the below from stmmac driver
phylink_limit_mac_speed(config, 2500);
I am thinking of solving this problem by having
custom .get_features in the AQR115c driver to only set supported speeds
upto 2.5gbps
let me know what you think ?
>> Thanks.