Re: [PATCH v2 02/14] rust: hrtimer: introduce hrtimer support

From: Benno Lossin
Date: Thu Sep 19 2024 - 10:10:42 EST

On 19.09.24 07:43, Andreas Hindborg wrote:
> Hi Benno,
> Thanks for the feedback. I will incorporate all the whitespace
> suggestions you have =F0=9F=91=8D

There seems to be something wrong with the encoding in this email, is
that an issue on my side or yours?

> "Benno Lossin" <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On 18.09.24 00:27, Andreas Hindborg wrote:
> [...]
>>> +
>>> +impl<T> Timer<T> {
>>> + /// Return an initializer for a new timer instance.
>>> + pub fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self>
>>> + where
>>> + T: TimerCallback,
>>> + {
>>> + pin_init!( Self {
>> I would remove the space after the `(`.
>> Would be great if we had rustfmt support for custom macros.
> Yes, that would be great!
>>> + // INVARIANTS: We initialize `timer` with `hrtimer_init` be=
> low.
>>> + timer <- Opaque::ffi_init(move |place: *mut bindings::hrtim=
> er| {
>>> + // SAFETY: By design of `pin_init!`, `place` is a point=
> er live
>>> + // allocation. hrtimer_init will initialize `place` and=
> does not
>>> + // require `place` to be initialized prior to the call.
>>> + unsafe {
>>> + bindings::hrtimer_init(
>>> + place,
>>> + bindings::CLOCK_MONOTONIC as i32,
>>> + bindings::hrtimer_mode_HRTIMER_MODE_REL,
>>> + );
>>> + }
>>> +
>>> + // SAFETY: `place` is pointing to a live allocation, so=
> the deref
>>> + // is safe.
>>> + let function: *mut Option<_> =3D
>> Do you really need this type hint?
> Apparently not!
> [...]
>>> +pub trait TimerPointer: Sync + Sized {
>>> + /// A handle representing a scheduled timer.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// If the timer is armed or if the timer callback is running when =
> the
>>> + /// handle is dropped, the drop method of `TimerHandle` should not =
> return
>>> + /// until the timer is unarmed and the callback has completed.
>>> + ///
>>> + /// Note: It must be safe to leak the handle.
>>> + type TimerHandle: TimerHandle;
>> Why does this need to be an associated type? Couldn't we have a
>> `TimerHandle<T>` struct? The schedule function below could then return
>> `TimerHandle<Self>`.
> At one point, I had some cycles in trait resolution. Moving generics to
> associated types solved that issue. Maybe this can be changed to a
> generic. But are generics preferred over associated types for some
> reason?

The associated type is more complicated IMO, because then every
implementer of the trait needs to create one. If we can avoid that, I
would prefer a generic type.
