[PATCH 5/10] Input: adp5588-keys - added a check key_val
From: Denis Arefev
Date: Thu Sep 19 2024 - 10:29:34 EST
No upstream commit exists for this commit.
If the adp5588_read function returns 0, then there will be an
overflow of the kpad->keycode[key_val - 1] buffer.
If the adp5588_read function returns a negative value, then the
logic is broken - the wrong value is used as an index of
the kpad->keycode array.
Found by Linux Verification Center (linuxtesting.org) with SVACE.
Fixes: 69a4af606ed4 ("Input: adp5588-keys - support GPI events for ADP5588 devices")
Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Denis Arefev <arefev@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/input/keyboard/adp5588-keys.c | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/drivers/input/keyboard/adp5588-keys.c b/drivers/input/keyboard/adp5588-keys.c
index 90a59b973d00..19be8054eb5f 100644
--- a/drivers/input/keyboard/adp5588-keys.c
+++ b/drivers/input/keyboard/adp5588-keys.c
@@ -272,6 +272,8 @@ static void adp5588_report_events(struct adp5588_kpad *kpad, int ev_cnt)
int key = adp5588_read(kpad->client, Key_EVENTA + i);
int key_val = key & KEY_EV_MASK;
+ if (key_val <= 0)
+ continue;
if (key_val >= GPI_PIN_BASE && key_val <= GPI_PIN_END) {
for (j = 0; j < kpad->gpimapsize; j++) {
if (key_val == kpad->gpimap[j].pin) {