[PATCH v5 2/2] input: touchscreen: ad7877: add dt support

From: Antoniu Miclaus
Date: Fri Sep 20 2024 - 04:29:17 EST

Add devicetree support within the driver.

Remove old platform data approach since it is no longer used.

Add match table.

Signed-off-by: Antoniu Miclaus <antoniu.miclaus@xxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/input/touchscreen/ad7877.c | 176 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
include/linux/spi/ad7877.h | 25 ----
2 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 include/linux/spi/ad7877.h

diff --git a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ad7877.c b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ad7877.c
index a0598e9c7aff..30c247ae59e5 100644
--- a/drivers/input/touchscreen/ad7877.c
+++ b/drivers/input/touchscreen/ad7877.c
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@
#include <linux/device.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
+#include <linux/input/touchscreen.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
#include <linux/pm.h>
+#include <linux/property.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/spi/spi.h>
-#include <linux/spi/ad7877.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>

@@ -174,6 +176,8 @@ struct ad7877 {
u8 averaging;
u8 pen_down_acc_interval;

+ struct touchscreen_properties prop;
struct spi_transfer xfer[AD7877_NR_SENSE + 2];
struct spi_message msg;

@@ -353,8 +357,7 @@ static int ad7877_process_data(struct ad7877 *ts)
if (!timer_pending(&ts->timer))
input_report_key(input_dev, BTN_TOUCH, 1);

- input_report_abs(input_dev, ABS_X, x);
- input_report_abs(input_dev, ABS_Y, y);
+ touchscreen_report_pos(input_dev, &ts->prop, x, y, false);
input_report_abs(input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE, Rt);

@@ -667,11 +670,136 @@ static void ad7877_setup_ts_def_msg(struct spi_device *spi, struct ad7877 *ts)

+static int ad7877_parse_props(struct ad7877 *ts)
+ struct device *dev = &ts->spi->dev;
+ u32 value, average;
+ int ret;
+ ts->model = (uintptr_t)device_get_match_data(dev);
+ if (!ts->model)
+ ts->model = 7877;
+ ret = device_property_match_string(dev, "adi,stopacq-polarity", "low");
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ ret = device_property_match_string(dev, "adi,stopacq-polarity", "high");
+ if (ret < 0)
+ ts->stopacq_polarity = 0;
+ ts->stopacq_polarity = 1;
+ } else {
+ ts->stopacq_polarity = 0;
+ }
+ ret = device_property_read_u32(dev, "adi,first-conv-delay-ns", &value);
+ if (!ret) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 500:
+ ts->first_conversion_delay = 0;
+ break;
+ case 128000:
+ ts->first_conversion_delay = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1000000:
+ ts->first_conversion_delay = 2;
+ break;
+ case 8000000:
+ ts->first_conversion_delay = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, -EINVAL,
+ "Invalid adi,first-conv-delay-ns value\n");
+ }
+ }
+ device_property_read_u32(dev, "adi,pen-down-acc-interval-us",
+ &value);
+ if (!ret) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 0:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 0;
+ break;
+ case 500:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1000:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 2;
+ break;
+ case 8000:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, -EINVAL,
+ "Invalid adi,pen-down-acc-interval-us value\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ret = device_property_read_u32(dev, "adi,acquisition-time-us", &value);
+ if (!ret) {
+ switch (value) {
+ case 2:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 1;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 2;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ ts->acquisition_time = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, -EINVAL,
+ "Invalid adi,first-conv-delay-ns value\n");
+ }
+ }
+ device_property_read_u32(dev, "adi,vref-delay-us",
+ &value);
+ if (!value)
+ ts->vref_delay_usecs = 100;
+ else
+ ts->vref_delay_usecs = (u16)value;
+ device_property_read_u32(dev, "touchscreen-x-plate-ohms", &value);
+ if (value)
+ ts->x_plate_ohms = (u16)value;
+ else
+ ts->x_plate_ohms = 400;
+ /*
+ * The property is parsed also in the touchscreen_parse_properties()
+ * but is required for the ad7877_process_data() so we need to store it.
+ */
+ device_property_read_u32(dev, "touchscreen-max-pressure", &value);
+ ts->pressure_max = (u16)value;
+ device_property_read_u32(dev, "touchscreen-average-samples", &average);
+ switch (average) {
+ case 1:
+ ts->averaging = 0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ ts->averaging = 1;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ ts->averaging = 2;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ ts->averaging = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return dev_err_probe(dev, -EINVAL,
+ "touchscreen-average-samples must be 1, 4, 8, or 16\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
static int ad7877_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
struct ad7877 *ts;
struct input_dev *input_dev;
- struct ad7877_platform_data *pdata = dev_get_platdata(&spi->dev);
int err;
u16 verify;

@@ -680,11 +808,6 @@ static int ad7877_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
return -ENODEV;

- if (!pdata) {
- dev_dbg(&spi->dev, "no platform data?\n");
- return -ENODEV;
- }
/* don't exceed max specified SPI CLK frequency */
if (spi->max_speed_hz > MAX_SPI_FREQ_HZ) {
dev_dbg(&spi->dev, "SPI CLK %d Hz?\n",spi->max_speed_hz);
@@ -714,27 +837,22 @@ static int ad7877_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
ts->spi = spi;
ts->input = input_dev;

+ err = ad7877_parse_props(ts);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
timer_setup(&ts->timer, ad7877_timer, 0);

- ts->model = pdata->model ? : 7877;
- ts->vref_delay_usecs = pdata->vref_delay_usecs ? : 100;
- ts->x_plate_ohms = pdata->x_plate_ohms ? : 400;
- ts->pressure_max = pdata->pressure_max ? : ~0;
- ts->stopacq_polarity = pdata->stopacq_polarity;
- ts->first_conversion_delay = pdata->first_conversion_delay;
- ts->acquisition_time = pdata->acquisition_time;
- ts->averaging = pdata->averaging;
- ts->pen_down_acc_interval = pdata->pen_down_acc_interval;
snprintf(ts->phys, sizeof(ts->phys), "%s/input0", dev_name(&spi->dev));

input_dev->name = "AD7877 Touchscreen";
input_dev->phys = ts->phys;
input_dev->dev.parent = &spi->dev;

+ touchscreen_parse_properties(ts->input, false, &ts->prop);
__set_bit(EV_KEY, input_dev->evbit);
__set_bit(BTN_TOUCH, input_dev->keybit);
__set_bit(EV_ABS, input_dev->evbit);
@@ -742,17 +860,6 @@ static int ad7877_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
__set_bit(ABS_Y, input_dev->absbit);
__set_bit(ABS_PRESSURE, input_dev->absbit);

- input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_X,
- pdata->x_min ? : 0,
- pdata->x_max ? : MAX_12BIT,
- 0, 0);
- input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_Y,
- pdata->y_min ? : 0,
- pdata->y_max ? : MAX_12BIT,
- 0, 0);
- input_set_abs_params(input_dev, ABS_PRESSURE,
- pdata->pressure_min, pdata->pressure_max, 0, 0);
ad7877_write(spi, AD7877_REG_SEQ1, AD7877_MM_SEQUENCE);

verify = ad7877_read(spi, AD7877_REG_SEQ1);
@@ -805,10 +912,17 @@ static int ad7877_resume(struct device *dev)

static DEFINE_SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(ad7877_pm, ad7877_suspend, ad7877_resume);

+static const struct of_device_id ad7877_of_match[] = {
+ { .compatible = "adi,ad7877", },
+ { }
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, ad7877_of_match);
static struct spi_driver ad7877_driver = {
.driver = {
.name = "ad7877",
.dev_groups = ad7877_groups,
+ .of_match_table = ad7877_of_match,
.pm = pm_sleep_ptr(&ad7877_pm),
.probe = ad7877_probe,
diff --git a/include/linux/spi/ad7877.h b/include/linux/spi/ad7877.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b7be843c88e2..000000000000
--- a/include/linux/spi/ad7877.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
-/* linux/spi/ad7877.h */
-/* Touchscreen characteristics vary between boards and models. The
- * platform_data for the device's "struct device" holds this information.
- *
- * It's OK if the min/max values are zero.
- */
-struct ad7877_platform_data {
- u16 model; /* 7877 */
- u16 vref_delay_usecs; /* 0 for external vref; etc */
- u16 x_plate_ohms;
- u16 y_plate_ohms;
- u16 x_min, x_max;
- u16 y_min, y_max;
- u16 pressure_min, pressure_max;
- u8 stopacq_polarity; /* 1 = Active HIGH, 0 = Active LOW */
- u8 first_conversion_delay; /* 0 = 0.5us, 1 = 128us, 2 = 1ms, 3 = 8ms */
- u8 acquisition_time; /* 0 = 2us, 1 = 4us, 2 = 8us, 3 = 16us */
- u8 averaging; /* 0 = 1, 1 = 4, 2 = 8, 3 = 16 */
- u8 pen_down_acc_interval; /* 0 = covert once, 1 = every 0.5 ms,
- 2 = ever 1 ms, 3 = every 8 ms,*/