Re: [PATCH v3] crypto: Removing CRYPTO_AES_GCM_P10.
From: Kamlesh Gurudasani
Date: Fri Sep 20 2024 - 05:38:19 EST
Danny Tsen <dtsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Data mismatch found when testing ipsec tunnel with AES/GCM crypto.
> Disabling CRYPTO_AES_GCM_P10 in Kconfig for this feature.
> Fixes: fd0e9b3e2ee6 ("crypto: p10-aes-gcm - An accelerated AES/GCM stitched implementation")
> Fixes: cdcecfd9991f ("crypto: p10-aes-gcm - Glue code for AES/GCM stitched implementation")
> Fixes: 45a4672b9a6e2 ("crypto: p10-aes-gcm - Update Kconfig and Makefile")
> Signed-off-by: Danny Tsen <dtsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
checkpatch complains
Please use correct Fixes: style 'Fixes: <12 chars of sha1> ("<title line>")' -
ie: 'Fixes: 45a4672b9a6e ("crypto: p10-aes-gcm - Update Kconfig and
There is no rule for 12 characters, but it is generally preferred.
I guess it is just a typo for you as you have correctly added other
Fixes tag.
If you end up re-spinning, please correct this
Also, just to understand,
"A Fixes: tag indicates that the patch fixes an issue in a previous
commit. It is used to make it easy to determine where a bug originated,
which can help review a bug fix"
should there not be just single Fixes tag? as bug originated from one
commit, may be the commit that actually broke the functionality.
Not expert on this, just trying to learn.