[GIT PULL] ktest.pl: Updates for 6.12

From: Steven Rostedt
Date: Sun Sep 22 2024 - 02:38:17 EST


ktest.pl updates for 6.12:

- Add notification of build warnings for all tests

Currently, the build will only fail on warnings if the ktest config file
states that it should fail or if the compile is done with -Werror. This
has allowed warnings to sneak in if it doesn't fail. Add a notification at
the end of the test that will state that warnings were found in the build
so that the developer will be aware of it.

- Fix the grub2 parser to not return the wrong kernel index

ktest.pl can read the grub.cfg file to know what kernel to boot to via
grub-reboot. This requires knowing the index that the kernel is referenced
by in the grub.cfg file. Some distros have logic to determine the
menuentry that can cause the ktest.pl to come up with the wrong index and
boot the wrong kernel.

Please pull the latest ktest-v6.12 tree, which can be found at:


Tag SHA1: 3224d5d52aef011ccbbb82a8f52e51f1c4f1ba52
Head SHA1: 2351e8c65404aabc433300b6bf90c7a37e8bbc4d

Daniel Jordan (1):
ktest.pl: Avoid false positives with grub2 skip regex

Steven Rostedt (1):
ktest.pl: Always warn on build warnings

tools/testing/ktest/ktest.pl | 28 +++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/testing/ktest/ktest.pl b/tools/testing/ktest/ktest.pl
index eb31cd9c977b..dacad94e2be4 100755
--- a/tools/testing/ktest/ktest.pl
+++ b/tools/testing/ktest/ktest.pl
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@ my $install_time;
my $reboot_time;
my $test_time;

+my $warning_found = 0;
my $pwd;
my $dirname = $FindBin::Bin;

@@ -729,11 +731,18 @@ sub print_times {
doprint "\n";
+ if ($warning_found) {
+ doprint "\n*** WARNING";
+ doprint "S" if ($warning_found > 1);
+ doprint " found in build: $warning_found ***\n\n";
+ }
# reset for iterations like bisect
$build_time = 0;
$install_time = 0;
$reboot_time = 0;
$test_time = 0;
+ $warning_found = 0;

sub get_mandatory_configs {
@@ -2047,7 +2056,7 @@ sub get_grub_index {
} elsif ($reboot_type eq "grub2") {
$command = "cat $grub_file";
$target = '^\s*menuentry.*' . $grub_menu_qt;
- $skip = '^\s*menuentry';
+ $skip = '^\s*menuentry\s';
$submenu = '^\s*submenu\s';
} elsif ($reboot_type eq "grub2bls") {
$command = $grub_bls_get;
@@ -2460,8 +2469,6 @@ sub process_warning_line {
# Returns 1 if OK
# 0 otherwise
sub check_buildlog {
- return 1 if (!defined $warnings_file);
my %warnings_list;

# Failed builds should not reboot the target
@@ -2482,18 +2489,21 @@ sub check_buildlog {

- # If warnings file didn't exist, and WARNINGS_FILE exist,
- # then we fail on any warning!
open(IN, $buildlog) or dodie "Can't open $buildlog";
while (<IN>) {
if (/$check_build_re/) {
my $warning = process_warning_line $_;

if (!defined $warnings_list{$warning}) {
- fail "New warning found (not in $warnings_file)\n$_\n";
- $no_reboot = $save_no_reboot;
- return 0;
+ $warning_found++;
+ # If warnings file didn't exist, and WARNINGS_FILE exist,
+ # then we fail on any warning!
+ if (defined $warnings_file) {
+ fail "New warning found (not in $warnings_file)\n$_\n";
+ $no_reboot = $save_no_reboot;
+ return 0;
+ }