Re: [PATCH v4 4/6] i2c: npcm: Modify the client address assignment

From: Tyrone Ting
Date: Sun Sep 22 2024 - 21:59:55 EST

Hi Andy:

Thank you for your feedback.

Andy Shevchenko <andriy.shevchenko@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 於 2024年9月20日 週五 下午10:33寫道:
> On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 06:18:18PM +0800, warp5tw@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > From: Tyrone Ting <kfting@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > From: Tyrone Ting <kfting@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> It seems all your mails have an issue.

Acked in the previous email.

> > Store the client address earlier since it might get called in
> > the i2c_recover_bus logic flow at the early stage of the func()
> > npcm_i2c_master_xfer.
> You got my comment really wrong.
> func() in my example was to refer to _a_ function mentioned in the text.
> And IIRC I even posted the example, like: i2c_recover_bus().

So the commit message in next patch set would be like:
Store the client address earlier since it might get called in
the i2c_recover_bus() logic flow at the early stage of

The code comment would be like:
Previously, the address was stored w/o left-shift by one bit and
with that shift in the following call to npcm_i2c_master_start_xmit().

Since there are cases that the i2c_recover_bus() gets called at the
early stage of npcm_i2c_master_xfer(), the address is
stored with the shift and used in the i2c_recover_bus call().

> --
> With Best Regards,
> Andy Shevchenko

Have a nice day.
