Re: [PATCH v4 4/4] media: platform: synopsys: Add support for hdmi input driver

From: Dmitry Osipenko
Date: Mon Sep 23 2024 - 18:25:39 EST

On 7/23/24 11:48, Hans Verkuil wrote:
>> +static u8 edid_init_data_340M[] = {
> This should be under #ifdef CONFIG_HDMIRX_LOAD_DEFAULT_EDID, since there is
> no point to have this if you are not using it.

No need to use #ifdef since EDID array will be compiled out at a build
time. Kernel doesn't support old compilers that can't eliminate dead code.

#ifdef makes code less readable and adds requirement to build-test all
variants with/without the #ifdef, we don't want either of these.

Best regards,