Re: [PATCH v4 6/6] arm64: dts: qcom: x1e80100: Add support for PCIe3 on x1e80100

From: Konrad Dybcio
Date: Wed Sep 25 2024 - 05:46:55 EST

On 25.09.2024 11:30 AM, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
> On 25.09.2024 10:05 AM, Manivannan Sadhasivam wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 04:26:34PM +0200, Konrad Dybcio wrote:
>>> On 24.09.2024 12:14 PM, Qiang Yu wrote:
>>>> Describe PCIe3 controller and PHY. Also add required system resources like
>>>> regulators, clocks, interrupts and registers configuration for PCIe3.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Qiang Yu <quic_qianyu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Reviewed-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> ---
>>> Qiang, Mani
>>> I have a RTS5261 mmc chip on PCIe3 on the Surface Laptop.
>> Is it based on x1e80100?
> You would think so :P
>>> Adding the global irq breaks sdcard detection (the chip still comes
>>> up fine) somehow. Removing the irq makes it work again :|
>>> I've confirmed that the irq number is correct
>> Yeah, I did see some issues with MSI on SM8250 (RB5) when global interrupts are
>> enabled and I'm working with the hw folks to understand what is going on. But
>> I didn't see the same issues on newer platforms (sa8775p etc...).
>> Can you please confirm if the issue is due to MSI not being received from the
>> device? Checking the /proc/interrutps is enough.
> There's no msi-map for PCIe3. I recall +Johan talking about some sort of
> a bug that prevents us from adding it?

Unless you just meant the msi0..=7 interrupts, then yeah, I only get one irq
event with "global" in place and it seems to never get more
