Re: [RFC PATCH 1/1] hpref: Hazard Pointers with Reference Counter

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Wed Sep 25 2024 - 06:07:00 EST

Am 9/25/2024 um 8:35 AM schrieb Mathieu Desnoyers:
On 2024-09-25 07:57, Jonas Oberhauser wrote:
Hi Mathieu,

I haven't read your code in detail but it seems to me you have an ABA bug: as I explained elsewhere, you could read the same pointer after ABA but you don't synchronize with the newer store that gave you node2, leaving you to speculatively read stale values through *ctx->hp.
(I am assuming here that ctx->hp is essentially an out parameter used to let the caller know which node got protected).

The following change should fix it:

-    node2 = uatomic_load(node_p, CMM_RELAXED);    /* Load A */
+    node2 = rcu_dereference(*node_p);    /* Load A */

I don't think this fixes it, because IIRC rcu_dereference relies on the address dependency (which we don't have here) to provide ordering.

I would recommend either:

- ctx->hp = node;
+ ctx->hp = node2;

which fixes the problem under the perhaps too weak assumption that the compiler doesn't use its knowledge that node==node2 to just undo this fix, or more strictly,

+ ctx->hp = READ_ONCE(node2);

which I believe makes sure that the value of node2 is used.

Alternatively you could always use an acquire load.

Best wishes,
