Re: [PATCH 0/2] Add MSM8996/MSM8953 dpu catalog

From: barnabas . czeman
Date: Wed Sep 25 2024 - 17:28:32 EST

On 2024-08-01 21:25, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 04:39:38PM GMT, Barnabás Czémán wrote:
This patch series add dpu support for MSM8996/MSM8953 devices.

Note, by default these platforms are still handled by the MDP5 driver
unless the `msm.prefer_mdp5=false' parameter is provided.

Could you please provide a summary of features actually tested with the
DPU driver? Have you tested YUV output? Have you tested RGB planes?
Which LMs have you tested?

How can i check specific feature?
I have set echo 0x32 > /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug DRIVER+ATOMIC+VERBOSE ATOMIC log is pretty verbose and big this way.
For lm i have found this kind of message in log: [ 1027.577132] [drm:_dpu_crtc_blend_setup [msm]] lm 0, op_mode 0x2, ctl 0

Signed-off-by: Barnabás Czémán <barnabas.czeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dmitry Baryshkov (1):
drm/msm/dpu: add support for MSM8953

Konrad Dybcio (1):
drm/msm/dpu: Add MSM8996 support

.../drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_1_16_msm8953.h | 218 +++++++++++++
.../drm/msm/disp/dpu1/catalog/dpu_1_7_msm8996.h | 348 +++++++++++++++++++++
drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_catalog.c | 106 +++++++
drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_hw_catalog.h | 2 +
drivers/gpu/drm/msm/disp/dpu1/dpu_kms.c | 2 +
drivers/gpu/drm/msm/msm_drv.c | 2 +
6 files changed, 678 insertions(+)
base-commit: df9574a57d02b265322e77fb8628d4d33641dda9
change-id: 20240528-dpu-msm8953-msm8996-5d0fb7e387b8

Best regards,
Barnabás Czémán <barnabas.czeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>