Re: [PATCH 0/2] mtd: spi-nor: macronix: reading SFDP by all Macronix chips

From: Esben Haabendal
Date: Thu Sep 26 2024 - 03:43:51 EST

Erez Geva <erezgeva@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> From: Erez Geva <ErezGeva2@xxxxxxxxx>
> Add reading SFDP to all Macronix chips.
> All chips in the Macronix competabilites table
> have a replacement chip that support SFDP.
> Macronix stop producing any chip without SFDP 15 years ago.
> The benefit of reading SFDP is by supporting
> fater op-codes for newer chips.
> This patch do not add an all flashes support.
> This patch extend the already support of SFDP to all Macronix chips.
> The new chips that reuse JEDEC IDs and chips that
> are absend from the Macronix competabilites table.
> The patch just remove the restriction!

Hi Erez

Did you see the response I got to the last revision of my patch series
that tries to resolve the same problem that you are adressing?

I think we should try go go in that direction. It sounds like it would
be a simple solution that would improve the overall situation, not just
for Macronix.
