Re: [PATCH 5/6] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8188: Move vdec1 power domain under vdec0
From: Fei Shao
Date: Thu Sep 26 2024 - 06:43:37 EST
On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 4:33 PM AngeloGioacchino Del Regno
<angelogioacchino.delregno@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Il 25/09/24 12:57, Fei Shao ha scritto:
> > There are two hardware IP blocks in MT8188 video decoder pipeline:
> > vdec-lat and vdec-core, which are powered by vdec0 and vdec1 power
> > domains respectively.
> >
> > We noticed that vdec-core needs to be powered down before vdec-lat
> > during suspend to prevent failures. It's unclear if it's an intended
> > hardware design or due to power isolation glitch. But in any case, we
> > observed a power-off sequence here, and it can be considered as an
> > indirect dependency implication between the vdec0 and vdec1 domains.
> >
> > Given that, update vdec1 as a sub-domain of vdec0 to enforce the
> > sequence. Also, use more specific clock names for both power domains.
> >
> As far as I know, yes, there is a sequence:
> - Cores (mtk-vcodec-core) gets suspended first
> - Then the LATs gets suspended (mtk-vcodec-lat)
> - Finally, the LAT SoC gets suspended (mtk-vcodec-lat-soc)
> ...but you checked that downstream, and your downstream misses the lat-soc HW
> instance, and only has the lat one.
> Are you sure that this is not the reason why you're getting this issue? :-)
> Otherwise, I feel like we must ask for some clarification from MediaTek, as
> I'm mostly sure that the two cores are independent from each other (but I
> might, of course, be wrong!).
Yes I think I should... this is actually based on a downstream patch of theirs.
My understanding is that LAT SoC is not always in the vdec pipeline
for every MediaTek SoCs. Although the MT8188 and MT8195 have much in
common, I have a vague impression that MT8188 doesn't have a LAT SoC
HW, so the downstream video decoding works smoothly without describing
that in DT... but still, I could be wrong, and things just happen to work.
Anyway, I'll find someone on the MediaTek side for clarification. The
datasheet I have doesn't seem to contain such information.
> Cheers,
> Angelo