[PATCH v4 07/22] perf jevents: Add br metric group for branch statistics on Intel

From: Ian Rogers
Date: Thu Sep 26 2024 - 13:52:32 EST

The br metric group for branches itself comprises metric groups for
total, taken, conditional, fused and far metric groups using json
events. Conditional taken and not taken metrics are specific to
Icelake and later generations, so the presence of the event is used to
determine whether the metric should exist.

Signed-off-by: Ian Rogers <irogers@xxxxxxxxxx>
tools/perf/pmu-events/intel_metrics.py | 138 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 138 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/perf/pmu-events/intel_metrics.py b/tools/perf/pmu-events/intel_metrics.py
index 58e243695f0a..09f7b7159e7c 100755
--- a/tools/perf/pmu-events/intel_metrics.py
+++ b/tools/perf/pmu-events/intel_metrics.py
@@ -123,6 +123,143 @@ def Tsx() -> Optional[MetricGroup]:
], description="Breakdown of transactional memory statistics")

+def IntelBr():
+ ins = Event("instructions")
+ def Total() -> MetricGroup:
+ br_m_all = Event("BR_MISP_RETIRED.ALL_BRANCHES",
+ br_clr = None
+ try:
+ br_clr = Event("BACLEARS.ANY", "BACLEARS.ALL")
+ except:
+ pass
+ br_r = d_ratio(br_all, interval_sec)
+ ins_r = d_ratio(ins, br_all)
+ misp_r = d_ratio(br_m_all, br_all)
+ clr_r = d_ratio(br_clr, interval_sec) if br_clr else None
+ return MetricGroup("br_total", [
+ Metric("br_total_retired",
+ "The number of branch instructions retired per second.", br_r,
+ "insn/s"),
+ Metric(
+ "br_total_mispred",
+ "The number of branch instructions retired, of any type, that were "
+ "not correctly predicted as a percentage of all branch instrucions.",
+ misp_r, "100%"),
+ Metric("br_total_insn_between_branches",
+ "The number of instructions divided by the number of branches.",
+ ins_r, "insn"),
+ Metric("br_total_insn_fe_resteers",
+ "The number of resync branches per second.", clr_r, "req/s"
+ ) if clr_r else None
+ ])
+ def Taken() -> MetricGroup:
+ br_m_tk = None
+ try:
+ br_m_tk = Event("BR_MISP_RETIRED.NEAR_TAKEN",
+ except:
+ pass
+ br_r = d_ratio(br_all, interval_sec)
+ ins_r = d_ratio(ins, br_all)
+ misp_r = d_ratio(br_m_tk, br_all) if br_m_tk else None
+ return MetricGroup("br_taken", [
+ Metric("br_taken_retired",
+ "The number of taken branches that were retired per second.",
+ br_r, "insn/s"),
+ Metric(
+ "br_taken_mispred",
+ "The number of retired taken branch instructions that were "
+ "mispredicted as a percentage of all taken branches.", misp_r,
+ "100%") if misp_r else None,
+ Metric(
+ "br_taken_insn_between_branches",
+ "The number of instructions divided by the number of taken branches.",
+ ins_r, "insn"),
+ ])
+ def Conditional() -> Optional[MetricGroup]:
+ try:
+ br_cond = Event("BR_INST_RETIRED.COND",
+ br_m_cond = Event("BR_MISP_RETIRED.COND",
+ except:
+ return None
+ br_cond_nt = None
+ br_m_cond_nt = None
+ try:
+ br_cond_nt = Event("BR_INST_RETIRED.COND_NTAKEN")
+ br_m_cond_nt = Event("BR_MISP_RETIRED.COND_NTAKEN")
+ except:
+ pass
+ br_r = d_ratio(br_cond, interval_sec)
+ ins_r = d_ratio(ins, br_cond)
+ misp_r = d_ratio(br_m_cond, br_cond)
+ taken_metrics = [
+ Metric("br_cond_retired", "Retired conditional branch instructions.",
+ br_r, "insn/s"),
+ Metric("br_cond_insn_between_branches",
+ "The number of instructions divided by the number of conditional "
+ "branches.", ins_r, "insn"),
+ Metric("br_cond_mispred",
+ "Retired conditional branch instructions mispredicted as a "
+ "percentage of all conditional branches.", misp_r, "100%"),
+ ]
+ if not br_m_cond_nt:
+ return MetricGroup("br_cond", taken_metrics)
+ br_r = d_ratio(br_cond_nt, interval_sec)
+ ins_r = d_ratio(ins, br_cond_nt)
+ misp_r = d_ratio(br_m_cond_nt, br_cond_nt)
+ not_taken_metrics = [
+ Metric("br_cond_retired", "Retired conditional not taken branch instructions.",
+ br_r, "insn/s"),
+ Metric("br_cond_insn_between_branches",
+ "The number of instructions divided by the number of not taken conditional "
+ "branches.", ins_r, "insn"),
+ Metric("br_cond_mispred",
+ "Retired not taken conditional branch instructions mispredicted as a "
+ "percentage of all not taken conditional branches.", misp_r, "100%"),
+ ]
+ return MetricGroup("br_cond", [
+ MetricGroup("br_cond_nt", not_taken_metrics),
+ MetricGroup("br_cond_tkn", taken_metrics),
+ ])
+ def Far() -> Optional[MetricGroup]:
+ try:
+ br_far = Event("BR_INST_RETIRED.FAR_BRANCH")
+ except:
+ return None
+ br_r = d_ratio(br_far, interval_sec)
+ ins_r = d_ratio(ins, br_far)
+ return MetricGroup("br_far", [
+ Metric("br_far_retired", "Retired far control transfers per second.",
+ br_r, "insn/s"),
+ Metric(
+ "br_far_insn_between_branches",
+ "The number of instructions divided by the number of far branches.",
+ ins_r, "insn"),
+ ])
+ return MetricGroup("br", [Total(), Taken(), Conditional(), Far()],
+ description="breakdown of retired branch instructions")
def main() -> None:
global _args

@@ -150,6 +287,7 @@ def main() -> None:
+ IntelBr(),
