Re: [RFC 2/2] platform/x86/amd: pmf: Add manual control support

From: Mario Limonciello
Date: Thu Sep 26 2024 - 14:09:20 EST

On 9/26/2024 06:00, Antheas Kapenekakis wrote:
Hi Shyam,

I appreciate the proposal, but giving users this control seems similar
to using tools like Ryzenadj or Ryzen Master, which are primarily for
overclocking. Atleast Ryzen Master has a dedicated mailbox with PMFW.

In the laptop market I agree with you. However, in the handheld
market, users expect to be able to lower the power envelope of the
device on demand in a granular fashion. As the battery drop is
measured in Watts, tying a slider to Watts is a natural solution.

Most of the time, when those controls are used it is to limit the
thermal envelope of the device, not exceed it. We want to remove the
use of these tools and allow manufacturers the ability to customise
the power envelope they offer to users.

While some existing PMF mailboxes are being deprecated, and SPL has
been removed starting with Strix[1] due to the APTS method.

Hmm, what do you think about about offering a wrapper for this for people to manipulate?

It's important to use some settings together rather than individually
(which the users might not be aware of). For instance, updating SPL
requires corresponding updates to STT limits to avoid negative outcomes.

The tough part about striking the balance here is how would an end user know what values to set in tandem. I think a lot of people just assume they can "just change SPL" and that's it and have a good experience.

This suggestion was referring to a combined slider, much like the
suggestion below. So STT limits would be modified in tandem,
respecting manufacturer profiles. See comments below.

If you find the name SPL disagreeable, it could be named {tdp,
tdp_min, tdp_max}. This is the solution used by Valve on the Steam
Deck (power1_cap{+min,max}, power2_cap{+min,max}).

It's not so much that it's disagreeable term but Shyam is pointing out that SPL is no longer a valid argument to the platform mailbox.

In addition, boost is seen as detrimental to handheld devices, with
most users disliking and disabling it. Steam Deck does not use boost.
It is disabled by Steam (power1_cap == power2_cap). So STT and STAPM
are not very relevant. In addition, Steam Deck van gogh has a more
linear response so TDP limits are less required.

Additionally, altering these parameters can exceed thermal limits and
potentially void warranties.

Considering CnQF, why not let OEMs opt-in and allow the algorithm to
manage power budgets, rather than providing these controls to users
from the kernel when userspace tools already exist?

The problem is all of the RE tools rely upon PCI config space access or /dev/mem access to manipulate undocumented register offsets.

When the system is under kernel lockdown (such as with distro kernel when UEFI secure boot is turned on) then those interfaces are intentionally locked down.

That's why I'm hoping we can strike some sort of balance at the request for some advanced users being able to tune values in a predictable fashion while also allowing OEMs to configure policies like CNQF or Smart PC when users for users that don't tinker.

Please note that on systems with Smart PC enabled, if users manually
adjust the system thermals, it can lead to the thermal controls
becoming unmanageable.

Yeah; that's why as this RFC patch I didn't let CNQF, ITS or Smart PC initialize. Basically if manual control is enabled then "SPS" and manual sysfs control is the only thing available.

Much like you, we dislike AutoTDP solutions that use e.g., RyzenAdj, as they:
1) Do not respect manufacturer limits
2) Cause system instability such as stutters when setting values
3) Can cause crashes if they access the mailbox at the same time as
the AMD drm driver.

Yes. Exactly why I feel that if we offer an interface instead people can use such an interface instead of these tools.