Re: [PATCH 5/5] sched_ext: Use shorter slice while bypassing
From: Tejun Heo
Date: Thu Sep 26 2024 - 18:55:37 EST
On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 05:07:21PM -0500, David Vernet wrote:
> My vote would be to just update SCX_SLICE_DFL to be 5ms, but this is fine as
> well if you'd prefer to leave the default slice as something that observably
> works well for throughput in fair schedulers.
20ms originally came from experimenting with simple FIFO scheduling on web
server workloads. Even with a scheduling policy as simple as FIFO, if CPUs
are not left idle and the scheduler doesn't induce unnecessary context
switches, many workloads do reasonably well. So, 20ms is the long-ish slice
which doesn't trigger involuntary context switches too much. We can shorten
it but it will have downstream effects as multiple scheudlers still make
some use of the default slice duration. Unless there are strong reasons to
change, it'd probably be better to leave it as-is.