Re: [PATCH 0/5] rslib: Bug fixes and improvements for Reed-Solomon library

From: Zhang Boyang
Date: Thu Sep 26 2024 - 19:54:48 EST

On 2024/9/27 01:12, Linus Torvalds wrote:
On Thu, 26 Sept 2024 at 10:03, Randy Dunlap <rdunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

If I were making this patch series, I would send it to Andrew Morton,
but if Linus takes it, I'm certainly OK with that.

I don't feel like I have the expertise of something like rslib, and
would actually suggest it go through one of the (very very few) users.

It's just pstore and some NAND chip drivers, afaik.

I will try to send my patches to these rslib users. However, rslib users and rslib itself are different worlds (although rslib users can give it a test), and many of them are not under active development for years. I will try to send to Andrew as a last resort, and I will probably invite somebody from, for example, GNU Radio, to give my patches a review.

Thanks, and I'm sorry to disturb you.

Zhang Boyang
