Re: [PATCH v4 1/6] firmware/psci: Add definitions for PSCI v1.3 specification

From: David Woodhouse
Date: Fri Sep 27 2024 - 09:21:12 EST

On Fri, 2024-09-27 at 12:43 +0000, Miguel Luis wrote:
> Hi David,
> > On 26 Sep 2024, at 16:30, David Woodhouse <dwmw2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 2024-09-26 at 09:56 +0000, Miguel Luis wrote:
> > >
> > > > +/* PSCI v1.3 hibernate type for SYSTEM_OFF2 */
> > > > +#define PSCI_1_3_HIBERNATE_TYPE_OFF 0
> > >
> > > Should it be 1 as hibernate type?
> >
> > It is in discovery, as BIT(PSCI_1_3_HIBERNATE_TYPE_OFF) == 1<<0 == 1.
> >
> Now I see the definition for PSCI_1_3_HIBERNATE_TYPE_OFF was misleading for me
> when BIT(PSCI_1_3_HIBERNATE_TYPE_OFF) works for both discovery and as argument
> for SYSTEM_OFF2.

That *wasn't* the intent, as I understood it.

An early version of the spec just returned PSCI_1_3_HIBERNATE_TYPE_OFF
(zero) for discovery and also used it as the argument for SYSTEM_OFF2.

Obviously that doesn't allow for supporting any other types (at least,
not unless an implementation had to support *all* types up to the one
it advertises). So for *discovery* it was changed to a bitmap,
returning BIT(PSCI_1_3_HIBERNATE_TYPE_OFF), and explicitly documented
as "this field is a bitmap".

We discussed that, and settled on the changes, and I had completely
failed to spot that the beta spec then also quietly changed the actual
argument to SYSTEM_OFF2 from 0x0 to 0x1 for HIBERNATE_OFF too. I do not
recall that change ever being discussed, so thanks for catching it!

> The common factor being the bit offset in the bitmap for SYSTEM_OFF2 discovery
> and argument to call SYSTEM_OFF2 as well. Would it be clearer something like:
> Assuming future definitions would keep the same common factor can be helpful, however
> please let me know whether I am missing something.

Right. If the spec is going to stay as it is, then just defining it as
BIT(0) probably makes sense.

In practice, as I said, it doesn't make a lot of difference because the
KVM code handling SYSTEM_OFF2 doesn't even look at the argument. It
just sets a flag to let userspace know it was a SYSTEM_OFF2 call
instead of SYSTEM_OFF. Precisely the same way that SYSTEM_RESET2 is

If userspace wants to know the precise argument, I think it's supposed
to go digging in the registers for itself? And the only implementation
in existence that I know of doesn't bother; it treats *all* SYSTEM_OFF2
calls just the same, regardless of the argument. Since there is only
one possibility anyway.

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