[PATCH RFC 07/14] usb: gadget: f_uac1: Add alt mode settings interface

From: crwulff
Date: Sat Sep 28 2024 - 11:11:40 EST

From: Chris Wulff <crwulff@xxxxxxxxx>

Add the ability to create c_alt.x and p_alt.x directories to
have different configurations for channels/sample size/sync mode. This
patch only implements the user interface and does not yet alter the
behavior of the function.

Initial values for the alt mode settings are copied from the main settings
at the time the alt mode directory is created.

Signed-off-by: Chris Wulff <crwulff@xxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/usb/gadget-testing.rst | 19 ++
drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_uac1.c | 311 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---
drivers/usb/gadget/function/u_uac1.h | 79 +++++--
3 files changed, 367 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Documentation/usb/gadget-testing.rst b/Documentation/usb/gadget-testing.rst
index 53c2518dbf50..5aaf03cf8ebf 100644
--- a/Documentation/usb/gadget-testing.rst
+++ b/Documentation/usb/gadget-testing.rst
@@ -982,10 +982,29 @@ The uac1 function provides these attributes in its function directory:
c_fu_vol_name capture mute/volume functional unit name
c_terminal_type code of the capture terminal type
p_terminal_type code of the playback terminal type
+ c_alt.x/ alternate capture setting x (0-255)
+ p_alt.x/ alternate playback setting x (0-255)
================ ====================================================

The attributes have sane default values.

+Alternate settings have these attributes settable. Defaults are copied
+from the associated function-wide settings. Alternate setting 0 only
+has a name and no other settings. If p/c_alt.1 doesn't exist
+function-wide settings will be used for alternate setting 1.
+ ================ ====================================================
+ name alternate setting name
+ chmask channel mask
+ ssize sample size (bytes)
+ sync synchronization type (async/adaptive) *capture only*
+ hs_bint bInterval for HS/SS (1-4: fixed, 0: auto)
+ it_name input terminal name
+ it_ch_name first input channel name
+ ot_name output terminal name
+ fu_vol_name mute/volume functional unit name
+ ================ ====================================================
Testing the UAC1 function

diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_uac1.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_uac1.c
index 5813fe3e7146..e7bfc32387bf 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_uac1.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/f_uac1.c
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
#include "u_uac1.h"
#include "u_uac_utils.h"

+#define HOST_TO_DEVICE 0
+#define DEVICE_TO_HOST 1
/* UAC1 spec: Audio Channel Cluster Format */

@@ -1160,29 +1163,14 @@ f_audio_suspend(struct usb_function *f)


-static int set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(struct device *dev, const struct f_uac1_opts *opts,
- struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep_desc,
- enum usb_device_speed speed, bool is_playback)
+static int set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(struct device *dev, const struct f_uac1_alt_opts *alt_opts,
+ struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep_desc,
+ enum usb_device_speed speed, bool is_playback)
- int chmask, srate, ssize, hs_bint, sync;
- if (is_playback) {
- chmask = opts->p_chmask;
- srate = get_max_srate(opts->p_srates);
- ssize = opts->p_ssize;
- hs_bint = opts->p_hs_bint;
- } else {
- chmask = opts->c_chmask;
- srate = get_max_srate(opts->c_srates);
- ssize = opts->c_ssize;
- hs_bint = opts->c_hs_bint;
- sync = opts->c_sync;
- }
return uac_set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(
- dev, ep_desc, speed, is_playback, hs_bint, chmask,
- srate, ssize, sync, opts->fb_max);
+ dev, ep_desc, speed, is_playback, alt_opts->hs_bint,
+ alt_opts->chmask, get_max_srate(alt_opts->srates),
+ alt_opts->ssize, alt_opts->sync, alt_opts->c.opts->fb_max);

static struct uac_feature_unit_descriptor *build_fu_desc(int chmask)
@@ -1459,6 +1447,52 @@ static int f_audio_validate_opts(struct g_audio *audio, struct device *dev)
return 0;

+ * Configfs alt mode handling
+ */
+static void init_alt_0_opts(struct f_uac1_alt_0_opts *alt_0_opts,
+ struct f_uac1_opts *opts, int playback)
+ alt_0_opts->c.opts = opts;
+ alt_0_opts->c.alt_num = 0;
+ // Note: Strings are from the host perspective, opt prefixes are from the device perspective
+ scnprintf(alt_0_opts->name, sizeof(alt_0_opts->name),
+ (!playback) ? "Playback Inactive" : "Capture Inactive");
+static void init_alt_opts(struct f_uac1_alt_opts *alt_opts, struct f_uac1_opts *opts,
+ int alt_num, int playback)
+ alt_opts->c.opts = opts;
+ alt_opts->c.alt_num = alt_num;
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&alt_opts->list);
+ // Note: Strings are from the host perspective, opt prefixes are from the device perspective
+ scnprintf(alt_opts->name, sizeof(alt_opts->name),
+ (!playback) ? "Playback Active" : "Capture Active");
+ strscpy(alt_opts->it_name, (playback) ? opts->p_it_name : opts->c_it_name,
+ sizeof(alt_opts->it_name));
+ strscpy(alt_opts->it_ch_name, (playback) ? opts->p_it_ch_name : opts->c_it_ch_name,
+ sizeof(alt_opts->it_ch_name));
+ strscpy(alt_opts->ot_name, (playback) ? opts->p_ot_name : opts->c_ot_name,
+ sizeof(alt_opts->ot_name));
+ strscpy(alt_opts->fu_vol_name, (playback) ? opts->p_fu_vol_name : opts->c_fu_vol_name,
+ sizeof(alt_opts->fu_vol_name));
+ /* Copy default options from the main opts */
+ alt_opts->chmask = (playback) ? opts->p_chmask : opts->c_chmask;
+ alt_opts->ssize = (playback) ? opts->p_ssize : opts->c_ssize;
+ alt_opts->hs_bint = (playback) ? opts->p_hs_bint : opts->c_hs_bint;
+ alt_opts->srates = (playback) ? opts->p_srates : opts->c_srates;
+ alt_opts->sync = (playback) ? 0 : opts->c_sync;
+ alt_opts->terminal_type = (playback) ? opts->p_terminal_type : opts->c_terminal_type;
/* audio function driver setup/binding */
static int f_audio_bind(struct usb_configuration *c, struct usb_function *f)
@@ -1474,12 +1508,24 @@ static int f_audio_bind(struct usb_configuration *c, struct usb_function *f)
int status;
int idx, i;

+ audio_opts = container_of(f->fi, struct f_uac1_opts, func_inst);
+ /* Copy main options to alt modes 0/1 if the groups don't exist
+ * before validation since they will be checked.
+ */
+ if (!audio_opts->c_alt_0_opts.c.group.cg_item.ci_name)
+ init_alt_0_opts(&audio_opts->c_alt_0_opts, audio_opts, HOST_TO_DEVICE);
+ if (!audio_opts->p_alt_0_opts.c.group.cg_item.ci_name)
+ init_alt_0_opts(&audio_opts->p_alt_0_opts, audio_opts, DEVICE_TO_HOST);
+ if (!audio_opts->c_alt_1_opts.c.group.cg_item.ci_name)
+ init_alt_opts(&audio_opts->c_alt_1_opts, audio_opts, 1, HOST_TO_DEVICE);
+ if (!audio_opts->p_alt_1_opts.c.group.cg_item.ci_name)
+ init_alt_opts(&audio_opts->p_alt_1_opts, audio_opts, 1, DEVICE_TO_HOST);
status = f_audio_validate_opts(audio, dev);
if (status)
return status;

- audio_opts = container_of(f->fi, struct f_uac1_opts, func_inst);
strings_uac1[STR_AC_IF].s = audio_opts->function_name;

strings_uac1[STR_USB_OUT_IT].s = audio_opts->c_it_name;
@@ -1656,42 +1702,42 @@ static int f_audio_bind(struct usb_configuration *c, struct usb_function *f)
ss_as_out_ep_desc.bInterval = audio_opts->c_hs_bint;

/* Calculate wMaxPacketSize according to audio bandwidth */
- status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, audio_opts, &fs_as_in_ep_desc,
+ status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, &audio_opts->p_alt_1_opts, &fs_as_in_ep_desc,
if (status < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "%s:%d Error!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
goto err_free_fu;

- status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, audio_opts, &fs_as_out_ep_desc,
+ status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, &audio_opts->c_alt_1_opts, &fs_as_out_ep_desc,
if (status < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "%s:%d Error!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
goto err_free_fu;

- status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, audio_opts, &hs_as_in_ep_desc,
+ status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, &audio_opts->p_alt_1_opts, &hs_as_in_ep_desc,
if (status < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "%s:%d Error!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
goto err_free_fu;

- status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, audio_opts, &hs_as_out_ep_desc,
+ status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, &audio_opts->c_alt_1_opts, &hs_as_out_ep_desc,
if (status < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "%s:%d Error!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
goto err_free_fu;

- status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, audio_opts, &ss_as_in_ep_desc,
+ status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, &audio_opts->p_alt_1_opts, &ss_as_in_ep_desc,
if (status < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "%s:%d Error!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
goto err_free_fu;

- status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, audio_opts, &hs_as_out_ep_desc,
+ status = set_ep_max_packet_size_bint(dev, &audio_opts->c_alt_1_opts, &hs_as_out_ep_desc,
if (status < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "%s:%d Error!\n", __func__, __LINE__);
@@ -1835,6 +1881,108 @@ static inline struct f_uac1_opts *to_f_uac1_opts(struct config_item *item)

+static inline struct f_uac1_alt_opts *to_f_uac1_alt_opts(struct config_item *item)
+ return container_of(to_config_group(item), struct f_uac1_alt_opts,
+ c.group);
+#define UAC1_ALT_ATTR_TO_OPTS struct f_uac1_alt_opts *alt_opts = to_f_uac1_alt_opts(item)
+#define UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(type, name) \
+ UAC_ATTRIBUTE(f_uac1_alt_opts, UAC1_ALT_ATTR_TO_OPTS, alt_opts, \
+ alt_opts->c.opts->lock, alt_opts->c.opts->refcnt, \
+ type, name)
+#define UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE_SYNC(name) \
+ alt_opts, alt_opts->c.opts->lock, \
+ alt_opts->c.opts->refcnt, name)
+#define UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE_STRING(name) \
+ alt_opts, alt_opts->c.opts->lock, \
+ alt_opts->c.opts->refcnt, name)
+UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(u32, ssize);
+UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(u8, hs_bint);
+UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(u32, chmask);
+UAC1_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(s16, terminal_type);
+static struct configfs_attribute *f_uac1_alt_0_attrs[] = {
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_name,
+static const struct config_item_type alt_mode_0_type = {
+ .ct_attrs = f_uac1_alt_0_attrs,
+ .ct_owner = THIS_MODULE,
+static struct configfs_attribute *f_uac1_alt_attrs_c[] = {
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_it_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_it_ch_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_ot_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_fu_vol_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_ssize,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_hs_bint,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_chmask,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_sync,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_terminal_type,
+static struct configfs_attribute *f_uac1_alt_attrs_p[] = {
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_it_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_it_ch_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_ot_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_fu_vol_name,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_ssize,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_hs_bint,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_chmask,
+ &f_uac1_alt_opts_attr_terminal_type,
+static void f_uac1_alt_attr_release(struct config_item *item)
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts *alt_opts = to_f_uac1_alt_opts(item);
+ /* Opts 0 and 1 are fixed structures, 2+ are kzalloc'd */
+ if (alt_opts->c.alt_num > 1)
+ kfree(alt_opts);
+static struct configfs_item_operations f_uac1_alt_item_ops = {
+ .release = f_uac1_alt_attr_release,
+static const struct config_item_type alt_mode_c_type = {
+ .ct_item_ops = &f_uac1_alt_item_ops,
+ .ct_attrs = f_uac1_alt_attrs_c,
+ .ct_owner = THIS_MODULE,
+static const struct config_item_type alt_mode_p_type = {
+ .ct_item_ops = &f_uac1_alt_item_ops,
+ .ct_attrs = f_uac1_alt_attrs_p,
+ .ct_owner = THIS_MODULE,
static void f_uac1_attr_release(struct config_item *item)
struct f_uac1_opts *opts = to_f_uac1_opts(item);
@@ -1946,8 +2094,109 @@ static struct configfs_attribute *f_uac1_attrs[] = {

+static struct config_group *f_uac1_group_make(
+ struct config_group *group,
+ const char *name)
+ struct f_uac1_opts *opts = to_f_uac1_opts(&group->cg_item);
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts *alt_opts;
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts *pos;
+ struct config_group *ret;
+ unsigned int alt_num;
+ int playback = 0;
+ mutex_lock(&opts->lock);
+ if (opts->refcnt) {
+ ret = ERR_PTR(-EBUSY);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (sscanf(name, "c_alt.%u", &alt_num) != 1) {
+ playback = 1;
+ if (sscanf(name, "p_alt.%u", &alt_num) != 1) {
+ ret = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ if (alt_num > 255) {
+ ret = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ /* Alt mode 0 has less properties */
+ if (alt_num == 0) {
+ struct f_uac1_alt_0_opts *alt_0_opts = (playback) ? &opts->p_alt_0_opts
+ : &opts->c_alt_0_opts;
+ init_alt_0_opts(alt_0_opts, opts, playback);
+ config_group_init_type_name(&alt_0_opts->c.group, name, &alt_mode_0_type);
+ ret = &alt_0_opts->c.group;
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (alt_num == 1) {
+ /* Alt mode 1 always exists */
+ alt_opts = (playback) ? &opts->p_alt_1_opts : &opts->c_alt_1_opts;
+ } else {
+ /* Allocate a structure for alt mode 2+ */
+ alt_opts = kzalloc(sizeof(*alt_opts), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!alt_opts) {
+ ret = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = &alt_opts->c.group;
+ config_group_init_type_name(&alt_opts->c.group, name, (playback) ? &alt_mode_p_type
+ : &alt_mode_c_type);
+ init_alt_opts(alt_opts, opts, alt_num, playback);
+ /* Alt mode 1 doesn't go in the list. It is handled separately to
+ * also handle the case where the alt.1 group is not created.
+ */
+ if (alt_num == 1)
+ goto end;
+ /* Insert the new alt mode in the list, sorted by alt_num */
+ list_for_each_entry(pos, (playback) ? &opts->p_alt_opts : &opts->c_alt_opts, list) {
+ if (alt_opts->c.alt_num < pos->c.alt_num) {
+ list_add_tail(&alt_opts->list, &pos->list);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ }
+ list_add_tail(&alt_opts->list, (playback) ? &opts->p_alt_opts : &opts->c_alt_opts);
+ mutex_unlock(&opts->lock);
+ return ret;
+static void f_uac1_group_drop(struct config_group *group, struct config_item *item)
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts *alt_opts = to_f_uac1_alt_opts(item);
+ /* Alt modes 0 and 1 are preallocated and not included in the list */
+ if (alt_opts->c.alt_num > 1) {
+ mutex_lock(&alt_opts->c.opts->lock);
+ list_del(&alt_opts->list);
+ mutex_unlock(&alt_opts->c.opts->lock);
+ }
+ config_item_put(item);
+static struct configfs_group_operations f_uac1_group_ops = {
+ .make_group = &f_uac1_group_make,
+ .drop_item = &f_uac1_group_drop,
static const struct config_item_type f_uac1_func_type = {
.ct_item_ops = &f_uac1_item_ops,
+ .ct_group_ops = &f_uac1_group_ops,
.ct_attrs = f_uac1_attrs,
.ct_owner = THIS_MODULE,
@@ -1971,6 +2220,9 @@ static struct usb_function_instance *f_audio_alloc_inst(void)
opts->func_inst.free_func_inst = f_audio_free_inst;

+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&opts->c_alt_opts);
+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&opts->p_alt_opts);
config_group_init_type_name(&opts->func_inst.group, "",

@@ -2001,6 +2253,7 @@ static struct usb_function_instance *f_audio_alloc_inst(void)

scnprintf(opts->function_name, sizeof(opts->function_name), "AC Interface");

+ // Note: Strings are from the host perspective, opt prefixes are from the device perspective
scnprintf(opts->p_it_name, sizeof(opts->p_it_name), "Capture Input terminal");
scnprintf(opts->p_it_ch_name, sizeof(opts->p_it_ch_name), "Capture Channels");
scnprintf(opts->p_ot_name, sizeof(opts->p_ot_name), "Capture Output terminal");
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/u_uac1.h b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/u_uac1.h
index df29018096d3..ae69f1eb872d 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/function/u_uac1.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/function/u_uac1.h
@@ -33,8 +33,61 @@

+struct f_uac1_opts;
+struct f_uac1_alt_opts_common {
+ struct config_group group;
+ struct f_uac1_opts *opts;
+ u8 alt_num;
+/* Alt mode 0 only has a name */
+struct f_uac1_alt_0_opts {
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts_common c;
+ char name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+/* Alt modes 1+ */
+struct f_uac1_alt_opts {
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts_common c;
+ struct list_head list;
+ /* Strings */
+ char name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char it_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char it_ch_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char ot_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char fu_vol_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ /* Audio options */
+ int chmask;
+ int *srates; /* Reference to p/c_srates in opts */
+ int sync;
+ int ssize;
+ u8 hs_bint;
+ s16 terminal_type;
struct f_uac1_opts {
struct usb_function_instance func_inst;
+ /* Alt mode 0 options */
+ struct f_uac1_alt_0_opts c_alt_0_opts;
+ struct f_uac1_alt_0_opts p_alt_0_opts;
+ /* Alt mode 1 options */
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts c_alt_1_opts;
+ struct f_uac1_alt_opts p_alt_1_opts;
+ /* Alt mode 2+ options */
+ struct list_head c_alt_opts;
+ struct list_head p_alt_opts;
+ /* Default options and Alt mode 1 if no c/p_alt.1 created */
int c_chmask;
int c_srates[UAC_MAX_RATES];
int c_sync;
@@ -45,14 +98,14 @@ struct f_uac1_opts {
int p_ssize;
u8 p_hs_bint;

- bool p_mute_present;
- bool p_volume_present;
+ bool p_mute_present;
+ bool p_volume_present;
s16 p_volume_min;
s16 p_volume_max;
s16 p_volume_res;

- bool c_mute_present;
- bool c_volume_present;
+ bool c_mute_present;
+ bool c_volume_present;
s16 c_volume_min;
s16 c_volume_max;
s16 c_volume_res;
@@ -61,17 +114,17 @@ struct f_uac1_opts {
int fb_max;
unsigned bound:1;

- char function_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char function_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];

- char p_it_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
- char p_it_ch_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
- char p_ot_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
- char p_fu_vol_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char p_it_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char p_it_ch_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char p_ot_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char p_fu_vol_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];

- char c_it_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
- char c_it_ch_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
- char c_ot_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
- char c_fu_vol_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char c_it_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char c_it_ch_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char c_ot_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];
+ char c_fu_vol_name[USB_MAX_STRING_LEN];

s16 p_terminal_type;
s16 c_terminal_type;