Re: [PATCH 1/2] compiler.h: Introduce ptr_eq() to preserve address dependency

From: Mathieu Desnoyers
Date: Sat Sep 28 2024 - 11:57:35 EST

On 2024-09-28 17:49, Alan Stern wrote:
On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 11:32:18AM -0400, Mathieu Desnoyers wrote:
On 2024-09-28 16:49, Alan Stern wrote:
On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 09:51:27AM -0400, Mathieu Desnoyers wrote:
equality, which does not preserve address dependencies and allows the
following misordering speculations:

- If @b is a constant, the compiler can issue the loads which depend
on @a before loading @a.
- If @b is a register populated by a prior load, weakly-ordered
CPUs can speculate loads which depend on @a before loading @a.

It shouldn't matter whether @a and @b are constants, registers, or
anything else. All that matters is that the compiler uses the wrong
one, which allows weakly ordered CPUs to speculate loads you wouldn't
expect it to, based on the source code alone.

I only partially agree here.

On weakly-ordered architectures, indeed we don't care whether the
issue is caused by the compiler reordering the code (constant)
or the CPU speculating the load (registers).

However, on strongly-ordered architectures, AFAIU, only the constant
case is problematic (compiler reordering the dependent load), because

I thought you were trying to prevent the compiler from using one pointer
instead of the other, not trying to prevent it from reordering anything.
Isn't this the point the documentation wants to get across when it says
that comparing pointers can be dangerous?

The motivation for introducing ptr_eq() is indeed because the
compiler barrier is not sufficient to prevent the compiler from
using one pointer instead of the other.

But it turns out that ptr_eq() is also a good tool to prevent the
compiler from reordering loads in case where the comparison is
done against a constant.

CPU speculating the loads across the control dependency is not an

So am I tempted to keep examples that clearly state whether
the issue is caused by compiler reordering instructions, or by
CPU speculation.

Isn't it true that on strongly ordered CPUs, a compiler barrier is
sufficient to prevent the rcu_dereference() problem? So the whole idea
behind ptr_eq() is that it prevents the problem on all CPUs.

Correct. But given that we have ptr_eq(), it's good to show how it
equally prevents the compiler from reordering address-dependent loads
(comparison with constant) *and* prevents the compiler from using
one pointer rather than the other (comparison between two non-constant
pointers) which affects speculation on weakly-ordered CPUs.

You can make your examples as specific as you like, but the fact remains
that ptr_eq() is meant to prevent situations where both:

The compiler uses the wrong pointer for a load, and

The CPU performs the load earlier than you want.

If either one of those doesn't hold then the problem won't arise.




Mathieu Desnoyers
EfficiOS Inc.