Re: [PATCH] mm/fake-numa: per-phys node fake size
From: Bruno Faccini
Date: Sun Sep 29 2024 - 11:44:02 EST
On 25/09/2024 11:32, "Mike Rapoport" <rppt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rppt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> Please reply inline to the mails on Linux kernel mailing lists.
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 03:27:52PM +0000, Bruno Faccini wrote:
> > On 24/09/2024 12:43, "Mike Rapoport" <rppt@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:rppt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> > > On Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 01:13:49AM -0700, Bruno Faccini wrote:
> > > > Determine fake numa node size on a per-phys node basis to
> > > > handle cases where there are big differences of reserved
> > > > memory size inside physical nodes, this will allow to get
> > > > the expected number of nodes evenly interleaved.
> > > >
> > > > Consider a system with 2 physical Numa nodes where almost
> > > > all reserved memory sits into a single node, computing the
> > > > fake-numa nodes (fake=N) size as the ratio of all
> > > > available/non-reserved memory can cause the inability to
> > > > create N/2 fake-numa nodes in the physical node.
> > >
> > >
> > > I'm not sure I understand the problem you are trying to solve.
> > > Can you provide more specific example?
> >
> > I will try to be more precise about the situation I have encountered with
> > your original set of patches and how I thought it could be solved.
> >
> > On a system with 2 physical Numa nodes each with 480GB local memory,
> > where the biggest part of reserved memory (~ 309MB) is from node 0 with a
> > small part (~ 51MB) from node 1, leading to the fake node size of ~<120GB
> > being determined.
> >
> > But when allocating fake nodes from physical nodes, with let say fake=8
> > boot parameter being used, we ended with less (7) than expected, because
> > there was not enough room to allocate 8/2 fake nodes in physical node 0,
> > due to too big size evaluation.
> The ability to split a physical node to emulated nodes depends not only on
> the node sizes and hole sizes, but also where the holes are located inside
> the nodes and it's quite possible that for some memory layouts
> split_nodes_interleave() will fail to create the requested number of the
> emulated nodes.
I am sorry, but looking at the way non-reserved memory is being collected when allocating to fake nodes inside physical nodes, I don't understand how using a per-phys node size would still allow not to allocate the requested number of fake nodes ?
By the way, I have successfully tested the code on our hardware where the original code was failing to do so.
> > I don't think that fake=N allocation method is intended to get fake nodes
> > with equal size, but to get this exact number of nodes. This is why I
> > think we should use a per-phys node size for the fake nodes it will host.
> IMO your change adds to much complexity for a feature that by definition
> should be used only for debugging.
Well it is only executed once during boot, and as you said for debugging, so I believe when the boot speed is not a requirement.
And my testing on our fat Numa nodes did not show a real difference.
> Also, there is a variation numa=fake=<N>U of numa=fake parameter that
> divides each node into N emulated nodes.
Right, but both methods should work as expected, is'nt it ?
And one allocates emulated nodes interleaved on physical nodes when the second is doing allocation serially.
> > Hope this clarifies the reason and intent for my patch, have a good day,
> > Bruno
> >
> >
> > > Signed-off-by: Bruno Faccini <bfaccini@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:bfaccini@xxxxxxxxxx>>
> > > ---
> > > mm/numa_emulation.c | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
> > > 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
> --
> Sincerely yours,
> Mike.