Re: [PATCH 0/7] cifs: Improve support for native SMB symlinks

From: Steve French
Date: Sun Sep 29 2024 - 18:03:54 EST

Merged patches 2, 3, 4 and 6 from this series into cifs-2.6.git for-next

For patch 1, seems like rename could get in the way of backports, and
is only a minor improvement (could consider it in the future for
6.13-rc if part of other cleanup/improvements, but lower priority)

For patch 5 it could be ok - but wanted more opinions on that ...
since wouldn't want it to break POSIX - e.g. what would happen with
this patch if a Linux server changed the target of a symlink from a
file to directory (or the other way around) - is there any risk of
breaking POSIX symlink semantics in a pure Linux->Linux case with this

For patch 7, it is relatively larger fix (and less important for pure
Linux workloads) so wanted some additional opinions/feedback on this
from others

On Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 1:51 PM Pali Rohár <pali@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This patch series improves interoperability of native SMB symlinks
> (stored in IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK reparse point) between Linux SMB
> client and Windows SMB server storage (NTFS).
> Fixed test cases by this patch series are:
> Fixes parsing of symlinks relative to the top of the export which can be
> created on Windows by:
> mklink symlink \relative\path\from\export
> Fixes parsing of symlinks in absolute form which can be created on
> Windows by:
> mklink symlink C:\absolute\path
> Fixes creating of symlinks pointing to directory. So Linux commands:
> mkdir dir
> ln -s dir symlink1
> ln -s another_dir/ symlink2
> creates a symlink which would be now understood also by Windows as
> symlinks to directories.
> Fixes creating of symlinks pointing to current or parent directory.
> So following commands create valid symlink understood by Windows:
> ln -s . symlink_cur
> ln -s .. symlink_parent
> Fixes creating of absolute symlinks. Absolute symlinks on Windows are
> quite complicated due to nature of DOS/Win32 path form used by Windows
> applications and NT path form in which are symlink paths stored. Also
> complication is that NT object paths have different hierarchy than POSIX
> paths generally. Required information about NT object hierarchy used in
> native absolute symlinks are in comments in the last patch from this
> series.
> To resolve mentioned problems I chosse way which is used by WSL, its
> -t drvfs has mount option -o symlinkroot= which specify Linux path there
> should point absolute windows drive letter symlinks. This could make
> -t cifs mounts in WSL2 more compatible with symlinks coming from local
> NTFS disks mounted by -t drvfs.
> I'm not sure how good are these changes, but I think that they improve
> compatibility of symlinks between Linux and Windows systems. Maybe there
> is some better solution how to handle some of those issues?
> Pali Rohár (7):
> cifs: Rename smb2_get_reparse_inode to smb2_create_reparse_inode
> cifs: Improve creating native symlinks pointing to directory
> cifs: Fix creating native symlinks pointing to current or parent
> directory
> cifs: Fix parsing native symlinks relative to the export
> cifs: Fix parsing native symlinks directory/file type
> cifs: Validate content of native symlink
> cifs: Fix creating and resolving absolute NT-style symlinks
> fs/smb/client/cifs_unicode.c | 17 +-
> fs/smb/client/cifsglob.h | 1 +
> fs/smb/client/cifsproto.h | 1 +
> fs/smb/client/fs_context.c | 22 ++
> fs/smb/client/fs_context.h | 2 +
> fs/smb/client/inode.c | 1 +
> fs/smb/client/reparse.c | 513 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
> fs/smb/client/reparse.h | 4 +-
> fs/smb/client/smb1ops.c | 3 +-
> fs/smb/client/smb2file.c | 67 ++++-
> fs/smb/client/smb2inode.c | 15 +-
> fs/smb/client/smb2proto.h | 13 +-
> 12 files changed, 602 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)
> --
> 2.20.1

