Re: [PATCH 13/13] media: qcom: camss: Add support for VFE hardware version Titan 780

From: Bryan O'Donoghue
Date: Sun Sep 29 2024 - 19:57:51 EST

On 29/09/2024 02:28, Depeng Shao wrote:

Thanks for catching this, I forget to add the rup irq, so this logic is also missed. I have tried it just now, the logic works good, will add it in next version patch.

I go through the code again, and find we don't do the wait for completion in VFE 480 driver, this is just used in VFE gen1 driver and just during disabling port.

Right but, we _should_ wait for completion there, the fact we don't is a bug.

One context issues a command to take an action and another context in this case an ISR has to fire for that action to be complete.

Therefore we _should_ wait_for_completion() in the initiating context and timeout if it exceeds a reasonable timeout.

Granted, we've "dropped the ball" in 480 you're right, it needs to be fixed and will be but, please in your submission do the right thing.
