Re: [PATCH v3 00/22] wifi: nxpwifi: create nxpwifi to support iw61x
From: Reto Schneider
Date: Mon Sep 30 2024 - 04:48:15 EST
Hi David,
Answering here because an OEM proposed using the IW612 in an upcoming
product of my employer.
On 30.09.24 08:36, David Lin wrote:
[1] We had considered adding IW61x to mwifiex, however due to FW
architecture, host command interface and supported features are
significantly different, doing this on mwifiex will carry a lot of
burdens. The effort of making sure no regression is also a huge effort.
We must create a new driver nxpwifi. Subsequent NXP chipsets will be
added and sustained on nxpwifi only.
As developer, this sounds like a huge red flag. In the long-term
interest of my employer, I'd oppose using this type of hardware in our
products even if you manage to upstream the driver (as is).
Kind regards,