Re: [PATCH] staging: Fix atomicity violation in get_serial_info()

From: Dan Carpenter
Date: Mon Sep 30 2024 - 06:37:13 EST

On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 06:14:03PM +0800, Qiu-ji Chen wrote:
> Atomicity violation occurs during consecutive reads of the members of
> gb_tty. Consider a scenario where, because the consecutive reads of gb_tty
> members are not protected by a lock, the value of gb_tty may still be
> changing during the read process.
> gb_tty->port.close_delay and gb_tty->port.closing_wait are updated
> together, such as in the set_serial_info() function. If during the
> read process, gb_tty->port.close_delay and gb_tty->port.closing_wait
> are still being updated, it is possible that gb_tty->port.close_delay
> is updated while gb_tty->port.closing_wait is not. In this case,
> the code first reads gb_tty->port.close_delay and then
> gb_tty->port.closing_wait. A new gb_tty->port.close_delay and an
> old gb_tty->port.closing_wait could be read. Such values, whether
> before or after the update, should not coexist as they represent an
> intermediate state.
> This could result in a mismatch of the values read for gb_tty->minor,
> gb_tty->port.close_delay, and gb_tty->port.closing_wait, which in turn
> could cause ss->close_delay and ss->closing_wait to be mismatched.
> To address this issue, we have enclosed all sequential read operations of
> the gb_tty variable within a lock. This ensures that the value of gb_tty
> remains unchanged throughout the process, guaranteeing its validity.
> This possible bug is found by an experimental static analysis tool
> developed by our team. This tool analyzes the locking APIs
> to extract function pairs that can be concurrently executed, and then
> analyzes the instructions in the paired functions to identify possible
> concurrency bugs including data races and atomicity violations.

Ideally a commit message should say what the bug looks like to the user.
Obviously when you're doing static analysis and not using the code, it's more
difficult to tell the impact.

I would say that this commit message is confusing and makes it seem like a
bigger deal than it is. The "ss" struct is information that we're going to send
to the user. It's not used again in the kernel.

Could you re-write the commit message to say something like, "Our static checker
found a bug where set serial takes a mutex and get serial doesn't. Fortunately,
the impact of this is relatively minor. It doesn't cause a crash or anything.
If the user races set serial and get serial there is a chance that the get
serial information will be garbage."

dan carpenter