Re: [RFC PATCH] cleanup: make scoped_guard() to be return-friendly

From: Przemek Kitszel
Date: Mon Sep 30 2024 - 07:33:33 EST

On 9/30/24 13:08, Dan Carpenter wrote:
On Mon, Sep 30, 2024 at 12:21:44PM +0200, Przemek Kitszel wrote:

Most of the time it is just easier to bend your driver than change or
extend the core of the kernel.

There is actually scoped_cond_guard() which is a trylock variant.

scoped_guard(mutex_try, &ts->mutex) you have found is semantically
wrong and must be fixed.

What? I'm so puzzled by this conversation.

there are two variants of scoped_guard() and you have found a place
where the wrong one is used

Anyway, I don't have a problem with your goal, but your macro is wrong and will
need to be re-written. You will need to update any drivers which use the
scoped_guard() for try locks. I don't care how you do that. Use
scoped_cond_guard() if you want or invent a new macro. But that work always
falls on the person changing the API. Plus, it's only the one tsc200x-core.c
driver so I don't understand why you're making a big deal about it.

apologies for upsetting you
I will send next iteration of this series with additional patches fixing
current code (thanks you for finding it for me in this case!)

I didn't said so in prev mail to leave you an option to send the fix for
the usage bug you have reported, just confirmed it. But by all means I'm
happy to fix current code myself.

but your macro is wrong and will need to be re-written

could you please elaborate here?