RE: [RFC PATCH 18/34] Documentation/x86: Document the new attack vector controls
From: Kaplan, David
Date: Mon Sep 30 2024 - 21:53:14 EST
[AMD Official Use Only - AMD Internal Distribution Only]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manwaring, Derek <derekmn@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2024 7:44 PM
> To: Kaplan, David <David.Kaplan@xxxxxxx>
> Cc: bp@xxxxxxxxx; dave.hansen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; hpa@xxxxxxxxx;
> jpoimboe@xxxxxxxxxx; linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; mingo@xxxxxxxxxx;
> pawan.kumar.gupta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; peterz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx;
> tglx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; x86@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [RFC PATCH 18/34] Documentation/x86: Document the new
> attack vector controls
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> On 2024-09-12 14:08-0500 David Kaplan wrote:
> > +
> > +Summary of attack-vector mitigations
> > +------------------------------------
> > +
> > +When a vulnerability is mitigated due to an attack-vector control,
> > +the default mitigation option for that particular vulnerability is
> > +used. To use a different mitigation, please use the vulnerability-specific
> command line option.
> > +
> > +The table below summarizes which vulnerabilities are mitigated when
> > +different attack vectors are enabled and assuming the CPU is vulnerable.
> Really excited to see this breakdown of which attacks matter when. I think
> this will help demystify the space generally. I am tempted to add even more
> issues to the table, but I suppose the idea is to limit only to issues for which
> there is a kernel parameter, is that right?
> I think it'd be useful to get to a point that if someone comes across one of the
> many papers & issue names, they could find it here and have an idea of how
> it impacts their workload. Maybe this isn't the place for that kind of a
> glossary, but interested in hearing where you see something like that fitting
> in. If we could at least add a column or footnote for each to capture
> something like "SRSO is also known as Inception and CVE-2023-20569," I
> think that would go a long way to reduce confusion.
That's a good idea. One thought could be a new documentation file which could map CVE numbers to vendor/researcher names, kernel options, and related documentation. Some of the issues already have their own documentation files with more details, but not all do. I tend to agree it would be nice to have something easily searchable to help navigate all the names/acronyms.
Open to other ideas on how to present the info, but this seems like a good thing to add somewhere.
--David Kaplan