shift/mask issue in drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/mxl111sf-demod.c
From: Colin King (gmail)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2024 - 19:21:38 EST
Static analysis has found a shift/mask issue in
drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/mxl111sf-demod.c in function
mxl1x1sf_demod_get_tps_hierarchy(), as described as follows:
/* bit<6:4> - 000:Non hierarchy, 001:1, 010:2, 011:4 */
if (mxl_fail(ret))
goto fail;
switch ((val & V6_TPS_HIERARCHY_INFO_MASK) >> 6) {
case 0:
*hierarchy = HIERARCHY_NONE;
case 1:
*hierarchy = HIERARCHY_1;
case 2:
*hierarchy = HIERARCHY_2;
case 3:
*hierarchy = HIERARCHY_4;
There are two issues. First, the comment states the bits of interest are
bits <6:4> and yet the shift is by 6 bits, I suspect that should be a 4
bit shift. Secondly, V6_TPS_HIERARCHY_INFO_MASK is defined in
drivers/media/usb/dvb-usb-v2/mxl111sf-reg.h as:
#define V6_TPS_HIERARCHY_INFO_MASK 0x40 only one bit is being masked, I suspect it should be (0x7 << 4) or
0x70 for the 3 bits <6:3> or maybe just (0x3 << 4) or 0x30 if we're just
interested in the bottom two bits for the case 0..3.
Anyhow, I don't have the hardware manual or hardware to test specific
fixes and I'm 100% about making a fix based on the comment w/o the
hardware to test this on.