Re: [RFC 1/2] rwsem: introduce upgrade_read interface

From: lizhe . 67
Date: Wed Oct 16 2024 - 04:01:15 EST

On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 00:36:19 -0700, hch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> >> +extern int upgrade_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem);
>> >
>> >No need for the extern. Also please make any new advanced funtionality
>> Sorry I don't understand why extern is not needed. If we remove it,
>> we will encounter the following compilation error:
>That sounds like you dropped the entire line above, and not just the
>"extern ".

OK I know what you mean. It is indeed OK to remove "extern", but all function
declarations in the rwsem.h have the "extern" prefix. I think it would be
better to keep it consistent.
