[PATCH 0/2] printk: Add loud_console printk flag to not suppress sysrq header msgs

From: Marcos Paulo de Souza
Date: Wed Oct 16 2024 - 13:03:31 EST


These two patches will change printk_context to store a new context,
called loud console. By using this context it would be possible to have
printk messages that are never suppressed by loglevel filtering.

This is useful on __handle_sysrq that currently uses a workaround to
make sure that sysrq header message are not suppressed.

Please review!

Signed-off-by: Marcos Paulo de Souza <mpdesouza@xxxxxxxx>
Marcos Paulo de Souza (2):
printk: Introduce LOUD_CON flag
tty: sysrq: Use printk_loud_console context on __handle_sysrq

drivers/tty/sysrq.c | 18 ++++++++----------
include/linux/printk.h | 3 +++
kernel/printk/internal.h | 3 +++
kernel/printk/printk.c | 8 +++++++-
kernel/printk/printk_safe.c | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
5 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
base-commit: 1d227fcc72223cbdd34d0ce13541cbaab5e0d72f
change-id: 20241016-printk-loud-con-03b393d5f6fb

Best regards,
Marcos Paulo de Souza <mpdesouza@xxxxxxxx>